Core Business Areas

All core functions of the ministry are engaged in reconciliation measures that acknowledge our history and, through constructive action, develop the mutual respect and understanding that will foster a more positive future for Aboriginal people and other British Columbians. Reconciliation is at the heart of cross-government efforts to eliminate the gaps in social and economic outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal citizens throughout the province.

The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation focuses its resources in three major areas: Aboriginal Relations, Negotiations, and Executive and Support Services.

Changes from the previous service plan include the successful completion of the Economic Development Fund, a three-year program that has concluded with a number of initiatives that have brought significant benefits to Aboriginal communities. Economic development opportunities continue to inform the ministry’s actions in Aboriginal Relations and in Negotiations. The First Citizens Fund has been moved to the core business area of Aboriginal Relations as a Special Account.

1. Aboriginal Relations

This core business area facilitates and builds relationships with Aboriginal communities and people through its work with provincial ministries, Aboriginal organizations and the federal government. The outcomes of this work promote culturally responsive, coordinated and effective programs and services for Aboriginal people and further our goals of narrowing the social and economic gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal British Columbians.

This core business area also provides leadership in developing sound government policy and provides a greater voice for Aboriginal people in government policy-making. It supports many social and economic initiatives including: organizational capacity development, youth employment, business development, and language and cultural revitalization.

This area leads the development, tracking and reporting on the results of effective working relationships with First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal organizations, to support shared accountability for investments and results.

In addition, this area supports Aboriginal advisory bodies including the Native Economic Development Advisory Board and the First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Council. As part of its work to promote Aboriginal languages and culture, it administers the First Citizens Fund, a perpetual fund established by provincial government to enhance cultural, educational and economic development opportunities for Aboriginal people in British Columbia.

2. Negotiations

This core business area leads the provincial government in bringing about long-term reconciliation of Crown and Aboriginal interests through negotiations with First Nations and with an aim to increase certainty over Crown land and resources.

This area leads the province’s participation in the negotiation of comprehensive treaties, interim measures and other agreements with First Nations and the federal government, supported by staff in other ministries and agencies across government. These negotiations include a wide range of significant topics, including lands and resources, governance, fiscal relations and capacity-building. This includes consulting with those who may be affected by these negotiations as they progress, such as industry, local government and the public. The ministry is the lead agency in many of these negotiations, but also plays a supportive role in negotiating agreements led by other agencies, such as Forest and Range Opportunity Agreements, and education agreements.

This area is also responsible for leading government’s approach to establishing a new policy framework with Aboriginal people in the province, guided by principles of trust, recognition and respect of Aboriginal rights and title. It involves working with Aboriginal leaders and government agencies to negotiate a new framework for consultation and engagement.

In addition, this area leads and coordinates the cross-government implementation of treaties and other agreements as they are concluded, ensuring that all treaty obligations are met.

3. Executive and Support Services

This core business provides the ministry with leadership, direction and administrative support services including: financial administration and budget coordination, strategic and business planning and reporting, records management, human resource management, facilities and office management as well as information systems planning and management.

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