Strategic Context

The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation is positioned to lead change that will provide a legacy of improved understanding and certainty in how relations are conducted between government and Aboriginal people. The ministry will lead stakeholder consultations and engage other partners in these bold initiatives.

Within government, the ministry is in a strong position to provide strategic advice, identify opportunities, remove barriers and stimulate change. This is due to a solid history of relationship-building, a unified mandate and integrated government decision-making. New initiatives, from concept to operation, will reflect the active partnership between Aboriginal leaders and the Government of British Columbia.

The Province of British Columbia, the First Nations Leadership Council and the Government of Canada signed the Transformative Change Accord in November 2005. The Accord is an important development that confirms the federal government’s participation with British Columbia and First Nations in the goal of building a new relationship. It sets out a framework for additional federal resources; for examining how existing resources are spent; and for ensuring accountability to the public.

The evolving legal environment with regard to Aboriginal rights presents a challenge to government — namely, to change the manner in which the Crown carries out its legal duty to consult on how its actions might impact Aboriginal rights. A framework for respecting Aboriginal rights through effective consultation, developed with First Nations, will bring a new approach that enhances economic development opportunities for all British Columbians. Because the ministry is working with First Nations to develop this new framework, there is renewed optimism that legal challenges will be replaced with cooperative and creative approaches to resolving our differences.

The ministry will continue to negotiate agreements to provide economic opportunities and support development of lands and resources. Many of these agreements will lead to treaties. Strategically, the ministry will rely on the new consultation framework as a vehicle to assist government and First Nations to reach effective and practical arrangements while treaty making continues.

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