Reports and Publications

A - B | C - E | F - H | I - M | N- R | S - Z

A - B

Adult Basic Education (ABE) Articulation Handbook (2005/06) pdf [PDF 674kb]
Programs for adults to develop basic skills and obtain vocational training, adult education, adult training, adult vocational training, programs to help adults develop basic skills and obtain vocational training.

An Accountability Framework for British Columbia's Post-secondary Education System pdf [PDF 50kb] - The accountability framework is a set of planning and reporting processes for British Columbia’s public post-secondary system.

Aboriginal Former Student Outcomes Report (2001) pdf [PDF 861kb] - A Special Report on Aboriginal Former Students from the 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2001 BC College and Institute Student Outcomes Surveys.

Aboriginal Post-secondary Education and Training Policy Framework - Program initiatives include increasing participation, retention, and success in post-secondary education and training for Aboriginal people through the development and implementation of a comprehensive policy framework.

Adult Literacy Volunteer Tutor Program Evaluation Kit - A self-study evaluation kit and user guide for adult literacy volunteer tutors. pdf [178kb]

Annual Reports (see Service Plans/Service Plans Reports )

Budget and Accountability Letters - The Ministry writes to the public post-secondary institutions outlining the operating budget allocations, service delivery targets and priority issues. The letters are a component of Ministry planning, as identified in the Accountability Framework.

C - E

Economic Impact of International Education at Public Post-Secondary Institutions pdf [PDF 108kb] - A report on the economic impact of international education at public post-secondary institutions, prepared for the Ministry of Advanced Education by Roslyn Kunin & Associates, Inc.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Articulation Handbook 2006 pdf [PDF 269kb] - A descriptive framework of English as a Second Language for Adult courses and provides uniform and comprehensible terminology to describe these courses to professionals in the field.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Student Outcomes Survey 2003 pdf [PDF 269kb] - The Report of the 2003 English as a Second Language (ESL) Student Outcomes Survey presents a snapshot of a group of 4,022 learners who accessed one or more publicly funded ESL courses at a British Columbia college or university college over a two-year period between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2002.

F - H

First Nations Coordinators Handbook pdf [PDF 436kb] - The Handbook contains useful information for Aboriginal Coordinators on providing transitional, cultural and personal support to Aboriginal students.

I - M

N - R

Post-secondary Central Data Warehouse Standard Reports pdf [PDF 111kb] - These reports summarize student level data submitted by the 22 institutions in BC’s public college, university college, institute and agency sector. Data from the 5 public universities is not included in the Central Data Warehouse.

Resource Directory of Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities in Public Post-secondary Institutions pdf [PDF 334kb]- This document provides a listing of programs and services at post-secondary institutions for adult students with disabilities. The Directory is organized alphabetically by institution, with separate listings of services and programs.

S - Z

Service Plans/Service Plan Reports - The Service Plan outlines the Ministry's vision, mission, values and mandate. It sets out goals and strategic objectives for the Ministry, and outlines key initiatives, performance measures, targets and accountability.

Student Outcomes Surveys - The colleges and institutes, along with the Ministry of Advanced Education (AVED), recognize that student feedback is important to maintaining a high-quality, relevant post-secondary education system.