Part B: Integrated Land Management Bureau — Continued

Resource Summary 2005/06 — Integrated Land Management Bureau

The Resource Summary table below outlines the expenditures by core business area. The Integrated Land Management Bureau operates under its own vote within the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (see Part A) as specified in the Estimates.

  Estimated Other Authorizations1 Total Estimated Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Client Service Delivery 26,554   26,554 22,423 (4,131)
Species-at-Risk Coordination 626   626 1,312 686
Resource Information Management 21,185   21,185 21,155 (30)
Bureau Management 12,824   12,824 11,100 (1,724)
Total 61,189   61,189 55,990 (5,199)
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Client Service Delivery 145   145 143 (2)
Species-at-Risk Coordination 4   4 4
Resource Information Management 174   174 157 (17)
Bureau Management 26   26 25 (1)
Total 349   349 329 (20)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Client Service Delivery 195   195 352 157
Species-at-Risk Coordination 0   0 0 0
Resource Information Management 10,503   10,503 6,800 (3,703)
Bureau Management 533   533 460 (73)
Total 11,231   11,231 7,612 (3,619)

Comments and Explanations

Operating Expenditure Variances

  • Under expenditures in the Client Service Delivery core business area occurred as a result of delays in LRMP completion, as Government-to-Government negotiations are proving to be protracted and complex. Final LRMP recommendations have been deferred into 2006/07 and in some cases — 2007/08. Strategic land-use planning was included within the Clients Services Delivery core business area last year, but has since been transferred into its own core business area in the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan.
  • The variance in operating expenses under the Species-at-Risk Coordination core business area was due to approved funding increases to further the coordination, development and implementation of recovery action planning for Northern Spotted Owl and Mountain Caribou, and the coordinated development of a provincial-scale Species-at-Risk policy framework.
  • The Bureau Management core business surplus was due to a combination of factors due in large part to the ministry reorganization and the transfer of funds from Land and Water BC following the release of the estimated budgets in the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update in September, 2005.

Full-time Equivalents

The ministry reorganization resulted in vacancies that were not filled until a complete understanding of the budget and responsibilities was reached.

Capital Expenditures

The variance in capital expenditure for the Resource Information core business was due to managing within anticipated amortization funding for the enhancement of information systems under the former Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management not being subsequently required, as the responsibility and systems were transferred back to their host ministries following the ministry reorganization.

Recoveries and Revenues

Through partnerships and other arrangements with various organizations, the Bureau provided services and then recovered some or all of the costs. The recoveries amounted to a total of $3.306 million in 2005/06. Principal items included funding from the Forest Investment Account for land and resource-use planning and information services.

The Bureau also collected revenues of about $0.192 million from a number of sources, including map and air-photo sales.

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