Part A: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands — Continued

Resource Summary 2005/06 — Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

The Resource Summary table below outlines expenditures by core business area. It includes all expenditures for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Integrated Land Management Bureau and Agricultural Land Commission. The ALC has its own service plan containing a separate resource summary and ILMB's resource summary is included in Part B of this report.

Core Business Areas Estimates Other Authorizations Total Estimates Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Food Industry Development 11,716   11,716 14,201 2,485
Agriculture and Aquaculture Management 8,562   8,562 8,484 (78)
Risk Management (includes Special Account)1,2 29,679   29,679 23,956 (5,723)
Crown Land Administration 30,151 22,400 52,551 52,632 81
Executive and Support Services 8,848   8,848 5,552 (3,296)
Sub-Total 88,956 22,400 111,356 104,825 (6,531)
Agricultural Land Commission 2,068   2,068 2,030 (38)
Integrated Land Management Bureau 61,189   61,189 55,990 (5,199)
Crown Land Special Account 141,820 (103,276) 38,544 38,544 0
Prior Year Accrual       (42) 42
Ministry Total 294,033 (80,876) 213,157 201,347 (11,810)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Food Industry Development 157   157 152 (5)
Agriculture and Aquaculture Management 86   86 79 (7)
Risk Management 35   35 33 (2)
Crown Land Administration 99   99 99 0
Executive and Support Services 260   260 252 (8)
Total 637   637 615 (22)
Agricultural Land Commission 21   21 19 (2)
Integrated Land Management Bureau 349   349 329 (20)
Crown Land Special Account  
Ministry Total 1,007   1,007 963 (44)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Food Industry Development 1,180   1,180 754 (426)
Agriculture and Aquaculture Management 485   485 131 (354)
Risk Management 170   170 50 (120)
Crown Land Administration 63   63 14 (49)
Executive and Support Services 98   98 7 (91)
Total 1,996   1,996 956 (1,040)
Agricultural Land Commission 15   15 (15)
Integrated Land Management Bureau 11,231   11,231 7,612 (3,619)
Crown Land Special Account  
Ministry Total 13,242   13,242 8,568 (4,674)
1  This includes a special account totalling $16 million for expenses that can only be accessed for crop insurance indemnity payments and reinsurance premiums. In 2005/06, indemnity payments and premiums were $5.7 million of the $16 million.
2  Private insurers assume responsibility for a share of the risk in return for a share of premiums paid by producers.

Expenditures and Variances

Actual spending for the Ministry at the end of 2005 was $104.8 million, resulting in an operating surplus $6.5 million. Less-than-anticipated indemnities (claims) led to a $5.2 million surplus in the Production Insurance Special Account (Risk Management business area), while the Executive and Support Services surplus was derived from Ministry corporate service and overhead costs being less than projected, due mostly to Land and Water BC staff not joining the Ministry until October 2005. Surpluses arising from these areas were used to support achievement of food industry development and competitiveness initiatives, including aquaculture strategies and innovation and extension. An additional $22.4 million was allocated to Crown Land Administration for clean-up of contaminated sites including New Skeena Forest Products and Port Alice.

The ILMB surplus results mostly from final Land and Resource Management Plan recommendations being deferred into fiscal year 2006/07, and in some cases 2007/08. The $38.5 million in the Crown Land Special Account was spent on Free Crown Grants and Nominal Rent Tenures.

The FTE variance results from vacancies that were not filled while the Ministry reorganized and obtained a complete understanding of its budget and responsibilities. Delays in capital projects for systems were the chief cause for the capital budget and expenditure variance. Other spending was also delayed until a fuller understanding of the new ministry's responsibilities was attained.

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