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      Last Update: May 31, 2006
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Photo Gallery ...
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The following are photographs of locations within our district. Please click on the thumbnail for a full sized view. All of these pictures were taken by Ministry of Forests staff members.

Allendale Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Bear Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Brenda Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Browne Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Cameo Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Chute Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Crescent Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Elinor Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Hatheume Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Headwaters Lake

Credit - Brian Hoover

Horseshoe Creek
Credit - Brian Hoover

Hydraulic Lake

Credit - Brian Hoover

Idleback Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Jackpine Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover

Madden Lake
Credit - Brian Hoover
Credits: Photos on this page were taken by Brian Hoover, Retired, Penticton Forest District

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