Ministry of Forests Regions and Districts

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Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP)/Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP)


The information on this Web site is for use by persons developing a Forest Stewardship Plan and Woodlot License Plan under the Forest and Range Practices Act.

The following information is not intended to replace the professional reliance and accountability required from the person submitting the Forest Stewardship Plan or the Woodlot License Plan, but rather to provide guidance and assistance only. The information contained here is subject to change without notice and therefore, we make no guarantees on the accuracy or completeness of this work.  Reliance on this site only does not constitute due diligence.







Administrative Guide to FSP's




The Administrative Guide to Forest Stewardship Plans brings together advice on developing and administering Forest Stewardship Plans (FSPs), for agreement-holders who need an FSP, and for B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range and other government staff who review and approve FSPs
BC Archaeological Site Data Request Form     website This information may be confidential and a data request form is required
Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Forest Mapview


LRDW website The BEC website gives an overview of the classification including history of development, how it works, methods, glossary and many useful links to general information and map products.
Community Watersheds Forest Mapview LRDW website The Water Resource Information website provides a list of attribute information associated with Community Watersheds.
Cutting Permit Forest Mapview LRDW    
Forest Act, Part 13 Designations Yale AIP FTP website Ministerial Order and the Order in Council Part 13 designations restrict the issuing of permits, licenses or plans within a designated area. See individual orders under information for specific restrictions.
Identified Wildlife Management Strategies     website IWMS Version 2004 contains an updated list of identified wildlife, updated species accounts and updated procedures for implementing the IWMS
Landscape Units of British Columbia website LRDW    
Old Growth Management Areas (OGMA) Legal Maps FTP

website Order establishing Provincial non-spatial old growth objectives

website  Legal orders and objectives, background reports and legal maps for OGMA and Wildlife Tree Retention

Parks, Ecological Reserves and Protected Areas Forest Mapview LRDW    
Recreation Sites and Trails Forest Mapview


LRDW website The Ministry of Tourism, Sport & the Arts website contains information on recreation sites and trails, interactive maps, general and technical information.
Forest Service Roads and Road Permits Forest Mapview LRDW    
Species at Risk See FTP Sites under 'Information' SAR Data

Spotted Owl Data


website Information on species at risk

website - Order for Species at Risk (SAR)

FTP  Notice and Supporting Information

FTP  Spotted Owl Management Plan

The Order for Species at Risk (SAR) lists the species at risk determined by the Minster of Environment (formerly MWLAP) that require additional protection under FRPA.

Notice and Supporting Information includes the amount, distribution and attributes of wildlife habitat required for the survival of specified Species at Risk that require additional protection in the Chilliwack Forest District. The Supporting Information provides background information and support to the legal Notice

Stocking Standards Guide (Forest Practices Branch)     website Guide to the evaluation of FSP stocking and related standards. Click on link and go to Guide to the Evaluation of FSP Stocking and Related Standards. This guide presents criteria, procedures and examples for the evaluation of the stocking and related standards in a proposed forest stewardship plan (FSP)
Timber Sale License Forest Mapview LRDW    
Timber Supply Area Forest Mapview LRDW    

website Order for Ungulates

FTP Notice and Supporting Information

The Order lists the categories of ungulates determined by the Minister of Environment (formerly MWLAP) that require ungulate winter range for their winter survival.

The Notice includes the amount, distribution and attributes of wildlife habitat required for the winter survival of specified ungulate species within the Fraser Timber Supply Area. The Supporting Information provides background information and support to the legal Notice.

Vegetation Resource Inventory Forest Mapview LRDW website  


Visual Resource Management


Recreation Resources Inventory Online LRDW

PDF  District Managers Letter, October 1, 1999  Clarifying Licensee obligations regarding scenic area management

PDF District Managers Letter, October 17, 2005 Continuation of existing Visual Quality Classes as Visual Quality Objectives under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).

Scenic Areas and Established Visual Quality Objectives (VQO's) for Forest Stewardship Plans (FSP's) and Woodlot Licence Plans (WLP)


Visual Resource Management



RVQC  Data

PDF  District Managers Letter, October 1, 1999 Clarifying Licensee obligations regarding scenic area management


Recommended Visual Quality Class (VQC's) for Forest Development Plans (FDP's)
Water Licences / Points of Diversion BC Water Resources Viewer LRDW website Water Stewardship Division is a site that displays information related to water resources such as watersheds, water quantity and quality monitoring sites, aquifers, water wells and flood protection works.
Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) See Website LRDW website Identified Wildlife Management Strategy (IWMS) website allows the user to perform a Wildlife Habitat Area search and status.
Wildlife Tree Retention     website Legal orders, objectives and background reports for Wildlife Tree Retention. See Objectives for Wildlife Tree Retention.

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