Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Range Branch
Ministry of Forests BranchesSearch the Range Branch web siteContact Information for the Range Branch
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Range Act
Range Manual
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Range Reference Areas
Brochures and Pamphlets
Protocol Range Act Agreements in Provincial Parks and Protected Areas
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Range Field Staff
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Invasive Alien Plants

The Range Branch develops provincial policies, standards, and procedures for managing range resources and allocates their use by the livestock industry through grazing and hay-cutting agreements. In order to manage range resource according to the principles of integrated resource management, the section develops its policies regarding use by livestock with due consideration of the needs of wildlife, recreationists, community water users and a variety of other demands on rangelands.

Specific responsibilities include development of policies and procedures for noxious weed control; administration of the range agreement system; range use planning; range practices under the Forest Practices Code and range inventory standards. Additionally, the section proposes legislative amendments and provides expert advice to the operations staff on all aspects of range management and administration including legal interpretation of legislative and contractual requirements.

Forest and Range Practices Act

Effective January 31, 2004

Range Brochures

Forest and Range Practices Act - Training

Forest Practices Code

Transition applicable for grandparented plans until December 31, 2006
