Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division
2005  |   2004  |     2003   |   2002   |   2001   |   2000
General News 2006
January 1, 2007 GRO 21-801 Exemptions under National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operations and National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules
December 29, 2006 Amendment Regulations, 2006 (No.3) comes into force The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) December 29, 2006
December 21, 2006 Notice and Request for Comment - proposed National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements and Companion Policy 41-101CP General Prospectus Requirements and proposed repeal of NI 41-101 Prospectus Requirements

Notice and Request for Comment

Appendix A - Summary of Significant Provisions in the Proposed Rule

Appendix B (Schedule 1) - NI 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements

Appendix B (Schedule 2) - Form 41-101F1 Information Required in a Prospectus

Appendix B (Schedule 3) - Form 41-101F2 Information Required in an Investment Fund Prospectus

Appendix B (Schedule 4) - Companion Policy to NI 41-101General Prospectus Requirements

Appendix C - Amendments to NI 14-101 Definitions

Appendix D (Schedule 1) - Amendments to NI 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions and Form NI 44-101F1 Short Form Prospectus of  National Instrument 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions

Appendix D (Schedule 2) - Amendments to Form 44-101F1 Short Form Prospectus of  National Instrument 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions

Appendix D (Schedule 3) - Companion Policy to NI 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions

Appendix E (Schedule 1) - Amendments to NI 44-102 Shelf Distributions

Appendix F (Schedule 1) -  Amendments to NI 44-103 Post-Receipt Pricing

Appendix F (Schedule 2) -  Amendments to Companion Policy 44-103CP to National Instrument 44-103 Post-Receipt Pricing

Appendix G - Amendments to NI 45-101 Rights Offerings and Form 45-101F - Information Required in a Rights Offering Circular

Appendix H (Schedule 1) - Amendments to NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations

Appendix I (Schedule 1) - Amendments to NI 81-101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure, Form 81-101F1 Contents of Simplified Prospectus, Form 81-101F2 Contents of Annual Information Form

Appendix J (Schedule 1) - Amendments to NI 81-104 Commodity Pools

Appendix K - Amendments to NP 43-201 Mutual Reliance Review System for Prospectuses

December 21, 2006 CSA Press Release - Canadian Regulators Propose Harmonized Prospectus Rule for Market Participants
December 15, 2005 CSA Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Defaults
December 14, 2006 Saskatchewan Policy Statement 51-601 Reporting Issuers in Default
December 8, 2006 CSA Notice 24-303 CSA SRO Oversight Project Report
December 8, 2006 Investor Watch - "Spam" e-mail that promotes hot stocks:  a risky proposition
December 1, 2006 Notice and Request for comment  - Rescission of NP 48 Future-Oriented Financial Information and amendments to NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Requirements

Appendix A - Summary of Amendments
Appendix B - Revocation of NP 48
Appendix C - Amendments to NI 51-102
Appendix D - Amendments to Form 51-102F1
Appendix E - Amendments to CP 51-102
Appendix F - Amendments to other instruments
Appendix G - Amendments to NP 51-201
Appendix H - Saskatchewan amendments

November 30, 2006 Douglas John Boyd and Sandra Faye Boyd - lifetime cease trade order
November 30, 2006 Agreement and Undertaking - Douglas John Boyd and Sandra Faye Boyd
November 22, 2006 The Securities Amendment Act, 2006 (No. 2) given second reading
November 22, 2006 Local Staff 13-703 Access to Records under The Securities Act, 1988

Schedule B to Staff Notice 13-703 - Inventory of Records
November 20, 2006 Local Staff Notice 11-703 Amendment to GRO 11-903 Recognition of the MFDA to Extend Suspension of MFDA Rule 2.4.1
November 17, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 51-321 Q & A concerning resources and possible reserves - NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities
November 8, 2006 Amendments to The Securities Act, 1988 introduced
November 3, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 12-307 Ceasing to be a Reporting Issuer under the Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Applications
November 1, 2006 Amendment Regulations, 2006 (No.2) comes into force The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) November 1, 2006
October 28, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 21-305 Extension of Approval of Information Processor for Corporate Fixed Income Securities
October 28, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 13-316 Amendments to the SEDAR Filer Manual
October 27, 2006 Request for comment on proposed amendments to National Instrument 55-101 Insider Reporting Exemptions.  Comment period ends January 25, 2007.

Notice - Request for Comment

Appendix A - amendments to National Instrument 55-101Insider Reporting Requirements

Appendix B - National Instrument 55-101 Insider Reporting Requirements - blacklined

Appendix C - Companion Policy 55-101CP - blacklined

October 17, 2006 Investor Watch - Advertisements Promoting Investment Opportunities
October 13, 2006 Amendments to NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations, Form 51-102F1, Form 51-102F2, Form 51-102F3, Form 51-102F4, Form 51-102F5, Form 51-102F6 and CP 51-102CP Continuous Disclosure Obligations, NI 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles, Auditing Standards and Reporting Currency, NI 71-102 Continuous Disclosure and Other Exemptions relating to Foreign Issuers and CP 71-102CP Continuous Disclosure and Other Exemptions relating to Foreign Issuers comes into effect December 29, 2006


Amendments to NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations

Amendments to Form 51-102F1, Form 51-102F2, Form 51-102F3, Form 51-102F4, Form 51-102F5, Form 51-102F6

Amendments to NI 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles, Auditing Standards and Reporting Currency

Amendments to NI 71-102 Continuous Disclosure and Other Exemptions relating to Foreign Issuers

Consequential amendments to NI 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions

Consequential amendments to Form NI 44-101F1

September 29, 2006 General Ruling/Order 45-917 Filing Requirements for Amended Offering Memoranda
September 25, 2006- Request for comment - proposed amendments to National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and Companion Policy 21-101CP and National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules and Companion Policy 23-101CP


Amendments to NI 21-101 Marketplace Operation

Amendments to Companion Policy 21-101CP

Amendments to Form 21-101F2 Initial Operation Report Alternative Trading System and Form 21-101F5 Initial Operation Report for Information Processor

Amendments to NI 23-101 Trading Rules

Amendments to Companion Policy 23-101CP

September 22, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 52-316 Certification of Design of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
September 22, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 52-315 Certification Compliance Review
September 8, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 51-320 Options Backdating
September 6, 2006 Cease trade order against Gerald Blerot and others extended
August 28, 2006 Temporary Cease Trade Order issued against:

Gerald Wilfred Blerot
Plain Investments Inc.
Executive Marketing and Strategies Ltd.
Jean Sayers
Jennifer Dawn Sayers
Ryan Sayers

News Release

Cease Trade Order

August 14, 2006 Cease trade order against Wellington Trading Group S.A extended
August 9, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 52-306 (Revised) Non-GAAP Financial Measures
August 9, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 51-319 Report on staff's second continuous disclosure review of income trust issuers
August 1, 2006 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) Amendment Regulations, 2006 in force August 1, 2006
July 31, 2006 Temporary cease trade order issued against:

Wellington Trading Group S.A.
Eric Aquavia
Dan Davis
Al Moxey
Ronnie Bethel
Timothy Bell
Russell Finklestein

Please note that the Wellington Trading Group S.A. referred to in this Cease Trade Order is not connected in any way and should not be confused with Wellington Management Company, LLP, Wellington West Capital Inc. or Wellington West Financial Services Inc. which are all registered in good standing in Saskatchewan.

 Cease Trade Order

July 28, 2006 NI 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds comes into force on November 1, 2006.


Appendix A - Summary of Changes

Appendix B - Summary of Public Comments on NI 81-107 and Commentary

Appendix C - NI 81-101

Appendix D - NI 81-102

Appendix E - NI 81-106

Appendix F - NI 13-101

Appendix G - NI 81-104

NI 81-107

July 21, 2006 Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 23-102 Use of Client Brokerage Commissions as Payment for Order Execution Services or Research  ("Soft Dollar" Arrangements)


Appendix A NI 23-102

NI 23-102

CP 23-102

July 11, 2006 Saskatchewan Staff Notice 32-802 Saskatchewan Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents
July 7, 2006 Investor Watch - Principal Protected Notes (PPNs)
July 7, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 46-303 Principal Protected Notes
June 29, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 52-314 Securities Regulators Want Your Feedback on XBRL
June 8, 2006 General Ruling/Order 31-902 Saskatchewan Small Business Security Issuers Amended
June 8, 2006 Cease trade order against Fagundes (alias "Silver"), Kowalchuks and Goebel extended
June 2, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 43-306 Technical reports filed for prospectus offerings
June 1, 2006 GRO 11-907 Designation Order Pursuant to Section 11.1
May 30, 2006 Temporary cease trade order issued against:

Fernando Fagundes (alias "Shane Silver")
Kim John Kowalchuk
Allan D. Kowalchuk
Reginald Allen Goebel

News Release

Cease Trade Order

May 29, 2006 GRO 11-906 Offering Memorandum Specification Order
May 29, 2006 Amendments to The Securities Act, 1988 come into force June 1, 2006
May 25, 2006 GRO 45-916 Exemption for Solicitations of Expressions of Interest
May 12, 2006 Amendments to NI 31-102 National Registration System and to NP 31-201 National Registration System


Amendments to National Instrument 31-102 National Registration System

Amendments to National Policy 31-201 National Registration System

May 12, 2006 Request for Comment - Amendments to MI 33-109 Registration Information and MI 31-102 National Registration Database


Amendments to MultiIateral Instrument 33-109 Registration Information

Amended Companion Policy 33-109CP

Amendments to Multilateral Instrument 31-102 National Registration Database

Amended Companion Policy 31-102CP

May 11, 2006 Commission issues decision in the matter of Edourad Yvon Elzear Bonamie, Pat Theriault, Ives Business Services Inc., Family Circle 40/40 Option Fund and The World of Synchrotron Performance Fund.
May 4, 2006 General Ruling/Order 45-915 Exemptions for Certain Supranational Agencies
May 3, 2006 The Securities Amendment Act, 2005 comes into force on June 1, 2006
May 2, 2006 "Test Your Financial IQ" contest winners announced
May 1, 2006 Notice and Request for Comment - National Instrument 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids


Schedule 1 - Consequential Amendments to NI 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-over Bid and Insider Reporting Issuers

NI 62-104

Companion Policy 62-104CP

Form 62-104F1 Take-Over Bid Circular

Form 62-104F2 Issuer Bid Circular

Form 62-104F3 Director's Circular

Form 62-104F4 Director's or Officer's Circular

Form 62-104F5 Notice of Change or Notice of Variation

April 21, 2006 CSA Notice 47-302 Pre-marketing of underwriters' options on bought deals
April 4, 2006 Cease trade order issued against Tri-Media Integrated Marketing Technologies Inc. (formerly Andromeda Media Capital Corporation Limited)
March 17, 2006 Joint CSA/SRO Notice 23-304 Status of the Transaction Reporting and Electronic Audit Trail System (TREATS)
March 11, 2006 Euston Capital Corp. and George Schwartz appeal the Commission's February 9, 2006 decision
March 10, 2006 Status of Proposed MI 52-111 Reporting on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

News Release

CSA Notice 52-313

March 10, 2006 CSA Notice 44-303 Filing of Notice of Intention To Be Qualified to File a Short Form Prospectus under NI 44-101
March 8, 2006 IDA appeals and Frederick Smith cross-appeals the Commission's February 6, 2006 decision
March 3, 2006 CSA Notice 24-302 Entitlement to Payments to The Canadian Depository for Securities Limited (CDS)
March 3, 2006 Request for Comment - National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement


NI 24-101

Companion Policy 24-101CP

March 3, 2006 CSA Notice 11-309 Withdrawal of CSA Notices
February 24, 2006 CSA Notice 51-317 NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities Application of Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook
February 13, 2006 Suspension of LI 32-501 Deposit Agents extended until October 1, 2006
February 9, 2006 Commission renders decision in the matter of Euston Capital Corp. and George Schwartz et al

New Release


February 7, 2006 Commission renders decision in MacBain, Neufeld and Smith v. The Investment Dealers Association of Canada
January 27, 2006 GRO 52-903 Exemption from Multilateral Instrument 52-109 repealed
January 27, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 11-308 Guidelines for use of Mobility Exemptions under Part 5 of MI 11-101 Principal Regulator System
January 13, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 52-312 Audit Committee Compliance Review
January 13, 2006 CSA Staff Notice 13-315 Securities Regulatory Authority Closed Dates 2006