Saskatchewan Learning

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Caring and Respectful Schools
Bullying Prevention


Caring and Respectful Schools Resources

February 2, 2005 - Government Announces Anti-Bullying Strategy
  • News Release
  • Anti-Bullying Strategy

    Curriculum Connections - Information for Parents/Caregivers
    This link includes the following:

    Website Links for Parents/Caregivers

    Curriculum Connections - Information for Teachers
    This link includes the following:

    Recommended Bullying Prevention Learning Resources - Information for Teachers and Administrators
    This link provides a compilation of print, video, and digital resources that have been evaluated, recommended, and listed in various Saskatchewan Learning bibliographies, annual updates, or the URL database. Each of the titles provides curriculum support to illustrate where bullying prevention behaviours can be taught and supported within Saskatchewan Learning curricula. Copies of print and video resources may be obtained at school or public libraries or, if in print, purchased from the publisher.

    Website Links for Teachers

    CELs - Personal and Social Values and Skills:
    Within Saskatchewan's provincial Core Curriculum, one of the key aspects is the incorporation of six Common Essential Learnings (CELs) within all areas of study from kindergarten to grade twelve. One of these Common Essential Learnings focuses on the development of knowledge, values, skills, and abilities related to Personal and Social Development. The K-12 aim of this CEL is to support children and youth in becoming confident and caring persons who use their understanding of self, others, and the natural world in positive, sustaining ways. Saskatchewan Learning supports schools, through curriculum guides, resource materials, and professional development, in helping children and youth to:

      • Develop a positive sense of identity that is based in self understanding, a sense of purpose, and a commitment to personal growth
      • Develop a caring disposition, strength of character, and the understanding and abilities related to moral development
      • Value and respect human and biological diversity, develop understanding of our social and environmental interdependence, and the abilities and values related to sustaining life
      • Acquire the skills and develop the abilities needed to participate effectively and respectfully in social interactions
      • Develop the commitment and abilities necessary to contribute to the well being of others and the natural world, and participate in social action.
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