Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
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List of Legislation  

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan is responsible for the Acts listed below. 

The underlined Acts are links to consolidations or Queen's Printer consolidations of the Acts. The general descriptions are not intended to be relied upon in any way. The contents of the legislation can only be determined by reading the actual legislation. For copies of the legislation, please contact Queen’s Printer at (306) 787-6894 or


(NYP) = not yet proclaimed


Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act (NYP)
Absconding Debtors Act
Absentee Act
Administration of Estates Act / Loi sur l'administration des successions
Adult Guardianship and Co-decision-making Act
Age of Majority Act
Agreements of Sale Cancellation Act
Agricultural Leaseholds Act
Alberta-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1939
Arbitration Act, 1992
Assignment of Wages Act
Attachment of Debts Act
Auctioneers Act
Builders' Lien Act
Business Corporations Act
Business Names Registration Act
Canada-United Kingdom Judgments Enforcement Act
Canadian Institute of Management (Saskatchewan Division) Act
Cemeteries Act, 1999
Charitable Fund-raising Businesses Act
Children's Law Act, 1997 / Loi de 1997 sur le droit de l'enfance
Choses in Action Act
Class Actions Act / Loi sur les recours collectifs
Closing-out Sales Act
Collection Agents Act
Commercial Liens Act / Loi sur les privilèges à base commerciale
Commissioners for Oaths Act
Companies Act
Companies Winding Up Act
Condominium Property Act, 1993
Constituency Boundaries Act, 1993
Constitutional Questions Act
Consumer and Commercial Affairs Act
Consumer Protection Act
Contributory Negligence Act
Co-operatives Act, 1996/ Loi de 1996 sur les cooperatives
Coroners Act, 1999
Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, 2002
Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act
Court of Appeal Act, 2000 / Loi de 2000 sur la cour d'appel
Court Officials Act, 1984
Credit Reporting Act
Credit Union Act, 1985 (partially repealed)
Credit Union Act, 1998 (partially in force)
Creditors' Relief Act
Criminal Enterprise Suppression Act
Crown Administration of Estates Act
Crown Employment Contracts Act
Crown Suits (Costs) Act
Department of Justice Act
Dependants' Relief Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'aide aux personnes à charge
Devolution of Real Property Act
Direct Sellers Act
Distress Act
Electronic Information and Documents Act, 2000

The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Act, 2002 / Loi de 2002 sur l’exécution des jugements canadiens

Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act / Loi sur l’exécution des jugements étrangers
Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act/Loi sur les conventions sur l'exécution de jugements (NYP)
Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur les l'éxecution des ordonnances alimentaires
Equality of Status of Married Persons Act
Escheats Act
Evidence Act / Loi sur la preuve
Executions Act
Exemptions Act
Expropriation Act
Expropriation Procedure Act
Factors Act
Family Farm Credit Act
Family Maintenance Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur les prestations alimentaires familiales
Family Property Act / Loi sur les biens familiales
Fatal Accidents Act
Federal Courts Act
Film and Video Classification Act 
Fraudulent Preferences Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Frustrated Contracts Act
Funeral and Cremation Services Act
Guarantee Companies Securities Act
Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Act
Home Owners' Protection Act
Homesteads Act, 1989
Hotel Keepers Act
Improvements under Mistake of Title Act
Income Trust Liability Act
Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act / Loi sur les ordonnances alimentaires interterritoriales
International Child Abduction Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'enlèvement international d'enfants
International Commercial Arbitration Act
International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act / Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes (NYP)
International Sale of Goods Act
Interpretation Act, 1995/Loi d'interprétation de 1995
Interprovincial Subpoena Act
Intestate Succession Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les successions non testamentaires
Judges' Orders Enforcement Act
Judgments Extension Act
Jury Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le jury
Justices of the Peace Act, 1988/Loi de 1988 sur les juges de paix
Land Contracts (Actions) Act
Land Information Services Facilitation Act
The Land Surveyors and Professional Surveyors Act
Land Surveys Act, 2000
Land Titles Act, 2000
Landlord and Tenant Act
Language Act/Loi linguistique
Law Reform Commission Act
Laws Declaratory Act
Legal Aid Act
Legal Profession Act, 1990
Libel and Slander Act
Limitation of Civil Rights Act
Limitations Act
Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Lord's Day (Saskatchewan) Act
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1937
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1942
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1966
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1978
Marriage Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le mariage
Marriage Settlement Act
Members' Conflict of Interest Act
Mentally Disordered Persons Act
Mortgage Brokers Act
Motor Dealers Act
Municipal Hail Insurance Act
Names of Homes Act
New Generation Co-operatives Act
Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif
Notaries Public Act
The Ombudsman and Children's Advocate Act
Parents' Maintenance Act
Partnership Act
Pawned Property (Recording) Act
Penalties and Forfeitures Act
Pension Benefits Act, 1992
Personal Property Security Act, 1993
Police Act, 1990
Powers of Attorney Act, 2002/Loi de 2002 sur les procurations
Pre-judgment Interest Act
Privacy Act
Private Investigators and Security Guards Act, 1997
Proceedings Against the Crown Act
Professional Corporations Act
Provincial Court Act, 1998
Provincial Mediation Board Act
Public Disclosure Act
Public Guardian and Trustee Act
Public Inquiries Act
Public Utilities Easements Act
Queen's Bench Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine
Queen's Counsel Act
Queen's Printer's Act
Real Estate Act
Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'exécution réciproque des jugements
Recovery of Possession of Land Act
Referendum and Plebiscite Act
Registered Plan (Retirement Income) Exemption Act/Loi portant insaisissabilité des régimes enregistrés (revenu de retraite)
Regulations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les règlements
Religious Societies Land Act
Residential Tenancies Act
Revised Statutes Act, 1979
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act
Sale of Goods Act
Sale of Training Courses Act
Sales on Consignment Act
Saskatchewan Farm Security Act
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission Act
Saskatchewan Human Rights Code
Saskatchewan Insurance Act
Saskatchewan Northwest Territories Boundary Act, 1966
Securities Act, 1988
Seizure of Criminal Property Act
Settlement of International Investment Disputes Act / Loi sur règlement des différends internationaux relatifs aux investissements
Slot Machine Act
Small Claims Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur les petites créances
Summary Offences Procedure Act, 1990
Surface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Act
Survival of Actions Act
Survivorship Act, 1993
Thresher Employees Act
Threshers' Lien Act
Trading Stamp Act
Traffic Safety Court of Saskatchewan Act, 1988/Loi de 1988 sur le tribunal de la sécurité routière de la Saskatchewan
Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997
Trustee Act
Trusts Convention Implementation Act
Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act
Variation of Trusts Act
Victims of Crime Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d'actes criminels
Victims of Domestic Violence Act
Wills Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les testaments
Woodmen's Lien Act