Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
   Financial Institutions Division



Insurance Companies and Agents

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act provides the legislative framework for the regulation of insurance companies and agents operating in Saskatchewan. All insurers operating in Saskatchewan, except those governed by other legislation, are required to comply with the Act.

The Superintendent has delegated authority over agents and adjusters to the General Insurance Council, the Life Insurance Council and the Hail Insurance Council. The councils are responsible for:

  • licensing;
  • establishing bylaws;
  • conducting investigations and handling complaints; and
  • conducting hearings on agent and adjuster licensing and disciplinary matters.

The Superintendent hears appeals from decisions of the councils regarding agent and adjuster licensing and disciplinary matters.

For information regarding compulsory automobile insurance, vehicle and driver licenses, and Personal Auto Injury Insurance - Tort and No Fault Coverage see Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).

For insurance company complaints see:

For insurance company licensing see:

For statistical reports of the Superintendent of Insurance see:

Calculation of Reserve Fund and Guarantee Fund:
As part of the annual return, reciprocal insurance exchanges must set out the particulars respecting the reserve fund and guarantee fund maintained by the reciprocal insurance exchange. please refer to the following worksheet to assist in the calculation of the reserve fund and guarantee fund:

Reports of insurance placed with unlicensed insurers: 

Under certain circumstances The Saskatchewan Insurance Act allows insurance to be placed with unlicensed insurers. However, Part XVII of the Act requires a report to be filed along with a tax of 10% of premium.  One of the following reports must be completed:

For more information:

  • Superintendent of Insurance
    Financial Institutions Division
    Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission
    Suite 601, 1919 Saskatchewan Drive
    Regina, Saskatchewan  S4P 4H2

    Phone: (306) 787-6700
    Fax: (306) 787-9006