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Other Costs

If you require additional funding for a one time only expense (i.e. travel costs for funerals, etc.) or on-going top up, you should call the Department of Community Resources Contact Centre at 1 866 221-5200.

You may require an on-going top up for the following reasons:

  • disability related costs not covered by Supplementary Health benefits or EAPD*
  • chronic medical conditions requiring on-going treatment costs not covered by Supplementary Health benefits
  • higher than average monthly utility bills
  • large families with 4 or more children
  • high or unsubsidized daycare costs

*If you have disability related costs not covered by Supplementary Health benefits, you should apply to the EAPD program for these costs. Any funding for disability related costs from EAPD would not be included as income in the PTA assessment.


