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What is Interest Relief?

Interest Relief is available to borrowers who are experiencing undue hardship in repaying their loan due to low income.

If approved for Interest Relief, you will not be charged interest on your student loan and you will not be required to make monthly loan payments during approved periods of Interest Relief.

Interest Relief is approved for six-month periods, up to a maximum of 30 months at any point during the repayment of your student loan. Extended periods of Interest Relief may also be available to you if you meet the eligibility criteria and have not been out of school for more than 60 months (5 years).

Who is eligible?

You may qualify for Interest Relief if:

  • Your are currently living in Canada;
  • You have entered into a consolidation agreement to repay your Student Loans;
  • Your Student Loans are in good standing;
  • Your gross family income, when compared to your monthly Student Loans payment(s) (and your spouse's Student Loans payments where applicable);
  • You have not received the maximum number of months of interest relief available.

You may also qualify for Interest Relief if you have extenuating circumstances such as emergency or medical expenses.

Does Interest Relief cover my Canada Student Loans?

If you have a Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loan (loans authorized on or after August 1, 2001), Interest Relief will be approved for all of your Canada and Saskatchewan Student Loans including any Lender-financed loans issued prior to August 1, 2001.

If you only have Student Loans issued prior to August 1, 2001, you must apply for Interest Relief separately on your Canada and Saskatchewan loans.

Where do I apply for Interest Relief?

Current Loans

If you have a Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loan (loans authorized on or after August 1, 2001), contact the National Student Loans Service Centre for applications.

Former Loans

If you have not received a Student Loan since August 1, 2001 you must contact the following agencies based on when your last Saskatchewan and Canada Student Loans were issued.

The Last Year you Received a Student Loan

For your Saskatchewan Student Loan

For your Canada Student Loan
August 1, 2000 to July 31, 2001 Royal Bank National Student Loans Service Centre
August 1, 1996 to July 31, 2000 Royal Bank -
print application
The Financial Institution holding your Canada Student Loan
Before August 1, 1996 Student Financial Assistance Branch The Financial Institution holding your Canada Student Loan


