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APF Environment Chapter

The Environment Chapter of the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) identifies soil, water, air and biodiversity as the major areas of focus for producers.  Saskatchewan's agri-environmental programming encourages producers to assess their current production activities and to utilize management practices that enhance their environmental stewardship.

Producers who complete an individual Environmental Farm Plan or who participate in an Agri- Environmental Group Plan are eligible to apply for cost-shared funding from the Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program.

Saskatchewan Agri-Environmental Scan

Saskatchewan Agri-Environmental Scan (PDF) - A summary of the preliminary assessment of agri-environmental issues for soil, water, air, and biodiversity in Saskatchewan.

Environmental Farm Plan Program (EFP)

The Canada-Saskatchewan Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Program is creating an opportunity for producers to expand on their long-standing tradition of stewardship. Guided by a producer council and delivered by the Provincial Council of Agriculture Development and Diversification Boards (PCAB), Saskatchewan's EFP program is tailor-made for producers in this province.

Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program (CSFSP)

The Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program (CSFSP) offers cost-shared incentives to assist producers who wish to implement beneficial management practices (BMPs) in their farm operations. Producers can become eligible for CSFSP funding by: a) completing an EFP for their individual farm operation and having it peer-reviewed and endorsed through PCAB; or, b) by taking part in an agri-environmental group planning (AEGP) project to address a priority issue.

Saskatchewan Agri-Environmental Group Planning (AEGP)

Producers also had an opportunity to take part in a group planning process through Agri-Environmental Group Planning (AEGP) *. This initiative complements the individual EFP program by enabling producers in organized groups to work together to strategically address a specific agri-environmental priority.

There are two types of group planning projects. One approach involves planning within a geographic area defined by physical boundaries (e.g. a watershed) to address a local agri-environmental priority issue. Upon completion of the group plan, producer members of the group are eligible to apply to the Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program for financial incentives to assist them in implementing beneficial management practices (BMPs) that target the priority issue that the group has chosen.

The second type of group planning project can involve a commodity or sectoral group wishing to address a priority agri-environmental issue important to that sector. AEGP can help them to develop their strategies and action plan. The planning group then encourages producer members tocomplete an Environmental Farm Plan and to take action on the priority issue through funding available for adopting BMPs.

Due to the ending of the APF agreement on March 31, 2008, there is inadequate time available to initiate additional new AEGP projects. However, it is hoped that, with the success of these existing AEGP projects, group planning may be a component of future agri-environmental programming.

* Agri-Environmental Group Planning is referenced as “Equivalent” planning in the APF Environment Chapter

Current Agri-Environmental Group Planning (AEGP) Projects in Saskatchewan:

A. Ten geographic AEGPs have been approved in Saskatchewan in the following regions:

a) Lower Souris Watershed; b) Moose Jaw River Watershed; c) Swift Current Creek Watershed; d) Wood River Watershed; e) Lower Assiniboine Watershed; f) Lanigan-Manitou Watershed; g) Redberry Lake Watershed; h) Buffalo Pound - Qu' Appelle Watershed; i) Upper Souris Watershed; and j) Gull Lake Regional AEGP.

Producer members of the groups in these watershed areas are moving forward on projects to enhance riparian area management and wintering site management.

B. Three AEGP commodity/sectoral group plans are also being implemented:

a) Flax Straw Management; b) Improved Pest Management in Potato Production; and c) Integrated Management of Invasive Alien Plants.

For general information on the above mentioned AEGP projects, contact (306) 691-3376 or (306) 787-6586.

Greencover Canada

The Greencover Canada program is a five-year, $110-million national initiative by the Federal Government to help producers improve grassland management practices, protect water quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

Greencover Canada focuses on these components:

  • Technical Assistance - helping producers to adopt BMPs;
  • Land Conversion - converting environmentally sensitive cropland to perennial cover;
  • Critical Areas - managing agricultural land near water. This component has been integrated into the Farm Stewardship Program;
  • Shelterbelts - planting trees on agricultural land. This component has been integrated into the Farm Stewardship Program;
  • Watershed Evaluation of BMPs (WEBs):- quantifying the impact of BMPs

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3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
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