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Physicians Category

Under this category, Saskatchewan can nominate individuals whose educational and professional certifications qualify them for employment in Saskatchewan as a physician. The applicant must be currently working on Temporary Work Permit for a Saskatchewan health occupation employer and be supported by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CoPSS), Saskatchewan Health and the appropriate regional health authority.

If you are not currently employed in Saskatchewan as a physician, contact the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CoPSS) to ascertain what further studies, examinations and/or certifications are needed in order to qualify to work in Saskatchewan.

The Physicians Category requires the following FIVE criteria be met:

  1. Temporary work permit confirming the applicant has been practicing
    as a physician in Saskatchewan for a minimum of six (6) months.
  2. Offer of permanent employment
         (a) An offer of permanent employment issued by a provincial
               health authority;and/or
         (b) Documents describing the applicant’s permanent arrangement
               to practice medicine in a Saskatchewan medical office (e.g., a
               business plan or contract, partnership agreement, or other
               documents describing the applicant’s practice); and/or
         (c) An offer of permanent employment from a health educational
              institution where employed.
  3. Letter of support from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
    Saskatchewan (CoPSS)
  4. Letter of support from Saskatchewan Health.
  5. Letter of support from the Regional Health Authority where the
    applicant is employed.


The physicians category applicant must submit the following SINP application package to the Saskatchewan Immigration Branch. This package must include the original SINP form, the original Government of Canada forms, and photocopies of supporting documents detailed below. Please note only the original Government of Canada forms will be returned.


  1. SINP-100-5: Saskatchewan SINP Application—Health Professional, Physician
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  2. IMM-0008: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  3. Schedule 1: Background/Declaration
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant and: (i) his or her spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and (ii) all dependant children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for permanent residence.
  4. Schedule 4: Economic Classes—Provincial Nominees
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  5. IMM-5406: Additional Family Information
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant and (i) his or her spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and (ii) all dependant children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for permanent residence.
  6. The principal applicant may complete one or both of the following forms, if applicable:

    (a) Use this form to designate an authorized representative to handle your file: IMM-5476 — Use of a Representative. This form also authorizes CIC to release information to and deal with your representative on matters pertaining to your file.

    (b) Use this form if you wish to have your application information sent to a designated individual other than your representative: IMM 5475 — Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual.

    For more information: Instructions on using a representative (PDF file).

For additional information on completing the federal immigration forms ( IMM-0008: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada; Schedule 1: Background / Declaration; Schedule 4: Economic Classes-Provincial Nominees; IMM-5406: Additional Family Information) please refer to "How to Complete the Forms" section of the Citizenship and Immigration Guide for Provincial Nominees at

Addititional Documents:

  1. The Temporary Work Permit: this permit must show the applicant has been
    practicing as a physician in Saskatchewan for a minimum of (6) six months.
  2. Offer of Permanent Employment
        (a) An Offer of Permanent Employment issued by a provincial health
        (b) Documents describing the applicant’s permanent arrangement
              to practice medicine in a Saskatchewan medical office (e.g., a
              business plan or contract, partnership agreement, or other
              documents describing the applicant’s practice); and/or
        (c) An Offer of Permanent Employment from an educational institution
             where employed.
  3. 3. Birth certificates (for applicant and immediate family-members that list both parents), marriage certificate, divorce, custody and maintenance documents(if applicable).
  4. Education credentials.
  5. 5. Police report(s) if the applicant or any family member over the age of 18 has committed an offence or been convicted of a crime; please provide a copy of a police report from the country or countries where the offence(s) occurred. In addition to the police report, submit any proof of rehabilitation, if applicable.
  6. Valid Passport with an expiry date (SINP recommended) no less than twoyears hence. Each family member must obtain an individual passport.

Where documents are in a language other than English, the applicant must submit a photocopy of the original document AND a photocopy of the English translation. Translators can be any person other than a family member of the applicant or spouse and must not work for a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply an affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability. Please be aware that some Canadian immigration visa offices may require that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all federal requirements are met with respect to translations.

SINP will obtain the following required documentation on behalf of the applicant:

  1. A letter of support by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CoPSS) for permanent landed residence in Saskatchewan. The CoPSS is required to indicate the type of license and expiry date and support permanent landed residence in Saskatchewan for the applicant. Where applicable, a letter confirming licensing in a particular specialty from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is required.
  2. A letter of support from Saskatchewan Health indicating that the applicant’s intended practice or position fills a critical unmet physician need in the Province.
  3. A letter of support from the applicable Regional Health Authority indicating that the applicant fills a critical unmet physician need in that region of Saskatchewan.

Review and organize your completed forms and supporting documents. If your application is not complete, the SINP will return it to you.

Please submit the application package in its entirety to:
Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
300 - 1942 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P 2C5

Phone: (Canada 001) 306-798-SINP (7467)
Fax: (Canada 001) 306-798-0713


For information on the health sector in Saskatchewan, please visit the following websites:

Saskatchewan Health
Saskatchewan Regional Health Authorities
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CoPSS)