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Long Haul Truck Driver Project

The SINP is operating a recruitment initiative, in conjunction with Services Canada (SC) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), to attract long-haul truck drivers to Saskatchewan trucking firms. The process and eligibility criteria for this category were developed in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) following a pilot project that that began in September 2003.

Under the Long-Haul Truck Driver Project, Saskatchewan trucking firms may be authorized to bring in foreign workers initially under SC’s Temporary Foreign Worker policy for occupations requiring high school diploma or specific on the job training, and subsequently retain them as permanent employees through the SINP. Long haul truck drivers can begin working in Saskatchewan for approved trucking firms on a foreign work permit and, if offered permanent employment by their employer after a minimum of six months employment, may apply to the SINP for permanent resident status.

Eligibility Criteria for Saskatchewan Trucking Firms
In order to qualify for this initiative, Saskatchewan trucking firms must apply to the SINP and to the SC, Temporary Foreign Worker Program for "Hiring Foreign Workers in Occupations that Usually Require a High School Diploma or Job-Specific Training."

To be eligible, Saskatchewan trucking firms must:

  • have been in operation in Saskatchewan for at least five years;
  • have no compliance issues with the National Safety Code (NSC). The Carrier must supply a Carrier profile and have a satisfactory safety rating. Verification of Safety Performance and Carrier Status will be confirmed by the Highway Traffic Board.
  • primarily do long distance shipping that required cross-border traveling (inter-provincially or internationally) or overnight travel.
  • submit a Long-Haul Trucking recruitment and settlement plan that will describe the company’s plans for:
    • Recruitment and Screening of foreign driver applicants;
    • Orientation and Training of foreign drivers recruited; and,
    • Settlement Support for Immigrant Employees and their Families

Please refer to the SINP Long-Haul Truck Driver Recruitment and Settlement Plan Guide for further direction on completing a recruitment plan.

  • meet SC requirements, which includes submitting an Application for a Labour Market Opinion, form EMP5239B along with a Human Resource plan that will describe:
    • ongoing efforts to recruit and train Canadian citizens and permanent residents;
    • wages, working conditions and other benefits; and,
    • a description of the benefits to Canada and the industry of hiring foreign nationals.

    Note: Form EMP5239B can be found at

    For a full description of employer obligations under the “Pilot Project for Hiring Foreign Workers in Occupations that Usually Require a High School Diploma or Job Specific Training” see .

  • must provide the SINP and SC copies of both; the SC mandatory 12 month contract for employment for work in Saskatchewan and the offer of permanent employment that will take effect after the initial 12 months. The offer of permanent employment must provide wages and benefits and other terms of employment equal to those the organization does or would pay to Canadians or permanent residents with similar skills and experience.

Application Process for Trucking Firms
Employers must simultaneously apply to:

  • the SINP long-haul project by using form SINP 500-3. The employer may be required to meet with the SINP to review their Recruitment and Settlement Plan or other aspects of their application; and,
  • SC's program for foreign workers in occupations that require a high school diploma or job-specific training, which can be found at The employer will be required to provide information on their human resource planning, their wages and benefits and their recruitment efforts, all of which will be used by SC as part of a labour market analysis.

When an employer has received approval from SC and SINP to participate in this program, they will be asked by SC to identify the foreign long-haul truck drivers they wish to bring to Saskatchewan.

Eligibility Criteria for Foreign Long-Haul Truck Drivers
To be eligible for a Foreign Temporary Work Permit and for nomination by the SINP, foreign drivers must :

  • have a current trucking license equivalent to a Saskatchewan class 1A drivers license;
  • prove they have completed two years trucking experience;
  • be eligible to receive a security clearance and visa eligibility for travel to the United States (if needed by employer);
  • speak and read English with reasonable fluency. Applicants whose first language is not English must prove they have had extensive education in English at the primary or secondary school level or have acquired English language ability by other means or have been tested at an International English Language Testing System (ELTS) as level 6 or greater; and,
  • have a job offer from a Saskatchewan trucking firm approved under this category.

In addition, any applicant may be ineligible for immigration to Canada and refused if:

  • they or any member of their family (accompanying or not) has a serious medical condition;
  • they or any member of their family (accompanying or not) over the age of eighteen has a criminal record; or,
  • have unresolved custody or family maintenance or property disputes affecting any member of the family.

Individuals interested in applying under this category should review the SINP Long-Haul Truck Driver Project Information for Applicants sheet, and can contact the SINP for information on trucking firms approved under this project at:

  • ( Canada 001) 306-798-SINP (7467)
  • International fax: ( Canada 001) 306-798-0713
  • email:

Application Process for Long-Haul Truck Driver
In order to be eligible for this category, a foreign truck driver must obtain a job offer from a Saskatchewan trucking firm approved to participate in the SINP/SC Long-Haul Truck Driver Project. Individuals with job offers can become eligible for nomination for permanent resident status in Saskatchewan through a two step process.

Step 1 – Obtaining a Work Permit

Individuals with a job offer from an approved Saskatchewan trucking firm must first apply to the CIC visa post in their country of residence or international region for a work permit. The appropriate CIC visa post can be found at

CIC will review the application for a work permit, and decide whether the foreign worker meets Canadian criteria for working and residing temporarily in Canada . The temporary work permit will be issued by the CIC post directly to the applicant.

Step 2 – Obtaining Landed Immigrant Status

After the foreign truck driver has arrived in Saskatchewan on a temporary work permit and has worked for an employer participating in this project for a minimum of six (6) months, the foreign worker may apply to the SINP for permanent landed immigrant status. The long haul truck driver project applicant must submit the following SINP application package to the Saskatchewan Immigration Branch. This package must include the original SINP forms, the original Government of Canada forms, and photocopies of supporting documents detailed below. Please note only the original Government of Canada forms will be returned.


  1. SINP -100-11: SINP STA Long Haul Trucker Project Employee Application Form
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  2. IMM 0008: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  3. Schedule 1: Background / Declaration
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant and:
    • his or her spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and
    • all dependant children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for permanent residence.
  4. Schedule 4: Economic Classes — Provincial Nominees
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  5. IMM 5406: Additional Family Information
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant and:
    • his or her spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and
    • all dependant children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for permanent residence.
  6. IMM-5476: Use of a Representative
    The principal applicant may complete this form. (Use this form if you want to allow us to release your application information to another person or paid representative acting on your behalf.)

For additional information on completing the federal immigration forms ( IMM-0008: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada; Schedule 1: Background / Declaration; Schedule 4: Economic Classes-Provincial Nominees; IMM-5406: Additional Family Information) please refer to "How to Complete the Forms" section of the Citizenship and Immigration Guide for Provincial Nominees at

Additional Documents:

  1. A copy of the Work Permit issued by CIC.
  2. Saskatchewan Drivers license – Class 1A.
  3. Identity and civil status documents. This includes:
    • Birth certificates - for applicant and immediate family-members. The birth certificate must state the names of both parents.
    • Marriage certificate – if applicable.
    • Divorce certificate – if applicable.
    • Custody and maintenance documents – if applicable.
  4. Police report(s) if the applicant or any family member over the age of 18 has committed an offence or been convicted of a crime; please provide a copy of a police report from the country or countries where the offence(s) occurred. In addition to the police report, submit any proof of rehabilitation, if applicable.
  5. Please note this is a requirement of the SINP only. To determine what is required at the federal level, please consult the Checklist Appendix A in the appropriate Visa office specific instructions: CIC visa office specific instructions . Police reports are only valid for 6 months from the date of issue
  6. Passport for each individual family member with an expiry date of no less than two years hence.  Include only copies of pages showing the passport number, date of issue and expiry, your photo, name, date and place of birth

Where documents are in a language other than English, the applicant must submit a photocopy of the original document AND a photocopy of the English translation. Translators can be any person other than a family member of the applicant or spouse and must not work for a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply an affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability. Please be aware that some Canadian immigration visa offices may require that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all federal requirements are met with respect to translations.

If your application is not complete, the SINP will return it to you.

Please submit the application and supporting documentation to:

Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
300 - 1942 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P 2C5

Telephone: ( Canada 001) 306-798-SINP (7467)
Facsimile: (
Canada 001) 306-798-0713

The SINP will work with and encourage all participating immigrants to obtain all required documents and complete the necessary forms for application to the SINP as close to the six month as possible.

The SINP will review the application and decide if the applicant has met eligibility criteria. If the application is approved, a nomination certificate will be sent to the CIC visa office in Buffalo , New York . A letter will be sent simultaneously to the applicant notifying them of their nomination and returning their CIC forms.

After they receive notice of their nomination, the applicant must forward the CIC immigration forms, immigration documents and federal fees to the CIC visa office in Buffalo , New York . Applicants can also apply for an extension to their work permit at this time. Instructions and forms needed to apply for the extension will be provided when an applicant is nominated.

After receiving the application and nomination certificate, the CIC office in Buffalo will review the application for health, security, criminality and other admissibility concerns. If there are no concerns, a permanent resident visa will be issued to the applicant.