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News Release

Minister O'Connor reports on NATO meetings in Spain

NR-07.001 - February 9, 2007

OTTAWA - The Honourable Gordon O'Connor, Minister of National Defence, concluded the NATO Defence Ministers informal meetings in Seville, Spain, February 8-9, saying the meetings were very positive and successful.

Discussions focused, among other topics, on NATO's operation in Afghanistan. "All NATO countries know what needs to be done and have pledged to work closely with one another to succeed in Afghanistan.  The recent additional contributions to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) made by the United States, United Kingdom and other countries will result in enhanced security in the south," said Minister O'Connor.

Minister O'Connor also met with Afghanistan's Minister of Defence. "Afghanistan's Minister of Defence was clear about the needs of his country," added Minister O'Connor.  "Afghanistan wants a continued engagement from NATO to help Afghans to get back on their feet. He asked specifically for assistance and equipment for the Afghan National Army (ANA), and NATO committed to providing that assistance."

Minister O'Connor held a meeting with his colleagues from the Regional Command South (RCS)-Afghanistan, including his counterparts from the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Australia, Estonia, Romania and Netherland.

"We achieved considerable success last year in Afghanistan, and NATO needs to maintain that momentum, especially on the development and reconstruction front in the South," said Minister O'Connor.

"Canada continues to show international leadership by committing troops, resources, and development and governance to help the Afghan government secure a better future for its people," said Minister O'Connor.


For more information about the visit, please contact:

Isabelle Bouchard
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National Defence

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