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Preservation Management for Seasonal Museums

Module Synopsis

This module provides information about the special preservation concerns of small to medium sized institutions that close for the winter. The factors that contribute to damage and deterioration are identified, and solutions and options to protect buildings and collections are offered. Special attention is devoted to winter closure conditions, and the planning of closing and re-opening procedures.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • appreciate the unique nature of seasonal museums and the importance of preparing collections, buildings, and sites for fall closings and spring openings
  • recognize damage and deterioration in museum collections and buildings, assess potential causes, and take corrective action
  • maintain museum collections throughout the winter season
  • develop and undertake seasonal closing and re-opening procedures in an organized and effective manner


Agents of Deterioration
Sources of deterioration including fire, water, physical forces, security losses, pests, contaminants, light, temperature, and relative humidity. How to identify damage. Practical ways for smaller institutions to prevent and reduce loss. Conditions unique to seasonal museums.

Maintaining Buildings
Identification of problems in buildings. Seasonal building inspections. Corrective actions to preserve and maintain the buildings themselves and to prevent damage to the collections within.

Maintaining Collections
Effects of human interaction with collections. Handling, winter storage, and cleaning. Condition reports to keep track of damage and deterioration.

Fall Closings and Spring Openings
How to prepare, secure, and maintain the site, building(s), and collections for fall closings and spring openings in a well-organized and effective manner.

Target Audience
Curators, site managers, collections managers, maintenance personnel, volunteers, and other staff directly involved with organizing, implementing, or undertaking seasonal closing and re-opening procedures at museums and related institutions. This workshop is appropriate for those with little or no conservation background.

Deborah Stewart, Carole Dignard

English, French

Enrollment Limits
Minimum 10; maximum 20

1 or 2 days

Special Requirements

A site with at least one (preferably more) building(s) that can be used for group exercises in undertaking building inspections and in preparing collections for the winter is necessary (village-type museums are ideal but not mandatory). The presentation room must be large enough to hold the group with enough tables and chairs to seat everyone comfortably, and it must be possible to darken this room to show slides. Also required are a 35-mm carousel projector with screen (or a white wall) and remote control; extension cords and outlets; a flipchart; and a catered lunch. Note: Participants are encouraged to dress comfortably for undertaking outdoor activities.

Last Updated: 2005-6-16

Important Notices

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