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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Newfoundland and Labrador's Partnership with the Republic of Ireland  The Ireland Business Partnerships (IBP) was established as a public/private partnership between the private sector and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1997. The organization was established in response to the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Government of Ireland in 1996. The IBP has a mandate to identify, foster and promote trade and partnership opportunities in business, education and culture between Newfoundland and Ireland.

After a visit to Ireland in July 2004 and a meeting with the Prime Minister of Ireland, Premier Williams re-signed the MOU and reaffirmed the relationship with Ireland and committed to strengthening Newfoundland's participation in the initiative. Government subsequently moved the Ireland Business Partnerships and the Executive Director position into government, within the Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, increasing the profile of the initiative and adding resources through an increased budget and through providing access to departmental resources. An IBP Advisory Board was appointed in September 2005 to provide strategic direction and policy advice to the Partnerships.

Who is Ireland Business Partnerships?
Executive Director Barry Snow reports directly to the Deputy Minister of the Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development (INTRD). The Executive Director works in partnership with the staff of INTRD, particularly the Trade and Investment Division; Innovation, Research and Advanced Technologies Division and regional offices throughout the Province. A close working relationship is also maintained with the Cultural Division of the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.

The IBP Advisory Board is a volunteer board appointed by the Premier to advise the IBP on strategic directions and to provide policy advice. The Board meets quarterly with various sub-committees of the Board meeting regularly on various areas of strategic priority.

What We Do?
Through its strategic partners, contacts and resources, the IBP can provide the following support to Newfoundland and Labrador businesses and organizations:

  • Up-to-date profile information on the Irish economy and business including development and investment programs, legislation, and regulations of both Ireland and the European Union.

  • Exploring the potential for co-operative exchanges, collaboration and strategic partnerships in support of economic growth and development.  

  • Facilitating the establishment of strategic alliances through marketing agreements, joint ventures, licensing agreements, technology transfer or research and development initiatives.

  • Coordination of  one on one meetings with strategic Irish businesses, agencies and organizations to help fast track business opportunities.

  • Organization of outgoing and incoming trade missions between the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Republic of Ireland.

The Irish/Newfoundland Connection
Within Ireland, the IBP has established solid relationships with key individuals in strategic sectors to enable the identification of business partnerships. The Office of the Taoiseach, the Irish Prime Minister, provides strong support to ensure opportunities can be optimized.

In April 2001, Hon. Noel Treacy, Minister for State for Science, Technology and Commerce, Government of Ireland, formally inaugurated the Ireland Newfoundland Partnership (INP) in order to promote economic and related co-operation between Ireland and Newfoundland and Labrador. The INP, under the guidance of its Executive Director and high-profile list of Board Members (representing both public and private sectors) acts as a counterpart to Ireland Business Partnerships and assists in identifying joint opportunities for both Irish and Newfoundland interests.

2005-06 Anual Report (PDF)

To Find Out More
Visit the Ireland Business Partnerships website at

OR Contact:

Renee Williams

Industry Development Officer
Ireland Business Partnerships
c/o Dept. of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
2nd Floor, West Block, Confederation Bldg.
P.O. Box 8700,
St. John's, NL  Canada  A1B 4J6

Telephone: 001 709 729 1629     Fax: 001 709 729 2236


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Last Updated: April 26, 2007
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