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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

The Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network
is a province-wide partnership of business service providers offering timely,
relevant information services to support your business needs:

  • more than thirty locations;
  • guidance, advice and answers to business inquiries;
  • assistance with the development of your business plans;
  • up-to-date computer workstations;
  • business publications to help you, everything from suppliers, to trade shows, to market data, to how-to information.

The Business Service Network is co-managed by the Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

Baie Verte Grand Falls-Windsor Port Saunders
Carbonear Happy Valley-Goose Bay Postville
Cartwright Labrador City Rigolet
Charlottetown Long Pond St. Alban's
Clarenville Makkovik St. Anthony
Conne River Reserve Marystown St. John's
Corner Brook Mount Pearl Sheshatshiu
Ferryland Nain Springdale
Forteau Placentia Stephenville
Gander Plum Point Trepassey
Port aux Basques

Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Centre
Support to Network sites is provided by the Business Service Centre. The Centre, located in St. John's, serves as the "hub" of operations. Or visit one of the many Business Service Network Sites throughout the province.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF's   "" Fact sheet on the Program (PDF)

  "" Staff Directory


Contact Information
90 O'Leary Avenue
P.O. Box 8687, Station A
St. John's, NL  A1B 3T1



Phone: 1-800-668-1010
Fax: (709) 772-6090


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                                                                         Last updated: December 1, 2006