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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

The Supplier Development Program is designed to assist Newfoundland and Labrador firms in capitalizing on supply opportunities within the public and private sectors.

The Department delivers pan-provincial information sessions to promote awareness of these opportunities and to facilitate networking between the business community and purchasing representatives. These sessions provide a forum for participants to learn about the purchasing processes of the procuring entities and the supply potential within the local business community.  Our partners in this initiative include provincial public sector entities, the Government of Canada, industry associations, and large private sector companies/chains.  View our Schedule below for a list of upcoming sessions. 

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF's   "" Schedule (PDF)

We also provide resources that may assist you in your pursuit of supply opportunities.  View our online Publications/Reports below.

  "" Supplier Development Guide (PDF)
  "" Wal-Mart New Supplier Fair Event Report (PDF)

For more information, contact:
Dale Williams, Supplier Development Specialist
Dept. of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
P O Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Telephone: (709)729-7003, Facsimile: (709)729-6853

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                                                                        Last updated: February 26, 2007