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Health and Community Services - Central is geographically diverse and widespread, providing services from the eastern end of Terra Nova Park, west to Baie Verte, south to Harbour Breton and north to Fogo Island. Within the region, there is a population of about 111,000.


Addictions Services coordinates education, prevention and treatment services for alcohol, other drug, and gambling addictions. The prevention of addictions requires a range of options, including education programs, seminars and workshops.

Addictions Services also helps communities address problem associated with addiction, through efforts such as community consultation, and helps youth through initiatives like sponsorship of the international youth organization Allied Youth. Referrals for service are accepted from any source, including self-referral.

The Child Welfare Program provides services to children up to the age of 16 years. Child Welfare Services includes the assessment of children thought to be in need of protection; the provision of support services to these children, their families and alternate caregivers; and the implementation of permanency planning. The child Welfare Program includes; child protection; family support; alternate care, adoption services, services to birth parents; and post adoption services.

Community Corrections provides justice services for youth aged 12-18 years who have come into conflict with the law. Services provided include an alternative measures program for young persons alleged to have committed a minor offence and community supervision services. In addition, an integrated system of residential services for young persons under open custody is available consisting of group homes, assessment centers, and a range of private community custody homes.

An intensive intervention program is also available to enhance the quality and effectiveness of community based measures.

Continuing Care is a mix of health, social and support services which work to maintain and, when possible, improve the independence and quality of life of individuals. Continuing care includes various programs such as: an institutional placement program; a home support program; personal care home program; palliative care; respite care; and a special assistance program which provides health care supplies, various equipment and other health related services to financially eligible persons who have chronic health conditions. This program is available to people of all ages.

Family and Rehabilitative Services offers a range of community-based support services to individuals with a physical and/or developmental disability. These services include, but are not limited to: child care services; social work counseling; community residential alternatives; direct home services; the Community Behavioral Services Program; respite care; day care; the Special Child Welfare Allowance; service co-ordination, general service planning, participation in individual support service planning; and administration of the Neglected Adult Act.

Health promotion programs are delivered by public health nurses in the region. These programs help people make healthy choices and develop healthy and supportive environments. Services include: a prenatal program; a postnatal program; B.U.R.P.S. - a parenting and breastfeeding support program; a Health Checks Program which promotes the health, growth, and development of infants and preschool children; a school health program; and a Community Health Education, Promotion and Screening Program. Also, consultants are involved in the education of public and staff as well as the implementation of programs in the areas of nutrition, reproductive health, environmental health services, communicable disease, dental hygiene and health promotion.

The Health Protection program identifies, reduces and eliminates hazards and risks to the health of individuals in the community, including the monitoring of disease and disease control and an environmental health program which works to reduce the risk of health hazards to the community through initiatives such as; monitoring of public water supplies and surveillance of public buildings and institutions.


• The Province has a Teen Tobacco Team to help us determine the best ways to reduce smoking among our youth.


The Mental health Program provides services to people of all ages. Child and Youth Mental Health Services are provided to individuals aged 19 years and under and their family members. These services are provided using a team approach composed of a psychologist, social workers and psychiatrists and is available to children and youth who are experiencing emotional, behavioural and social difficulties.

The Adult Mental Health Services is based on a community team approach and is designed to provide mental health services to adults and their families. The team is composed of a psychologist, a social worker and an occupational therapist. Adult Mental Health Services accepts self-referrals as well as referrals from other professionals in the community.

Telephone: (709) 651-3306
Fax: (709) 651-3341

Health and Community Services - Central Region
143 Bennett Drive
Gander, NF
A1V 2E6


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