Welcome to Elections Saskatchewan


Statutory Compliance Assistance

The Election Act, 1996 (Saskatchewan) (the "Election Act") places a duty on the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer (the "Office") to assist registered political parties, candidates, chief official agents and business managers in fulfilling their administrative and financial reporting responsibilities, in compiling requisite support documentation, and in ensuring annual and electoral financial disclosure is undertaken in accordance with the Election Act and The Political Contributions Tax Credit Act, 2001 (Saskatchewan) (the "Tax Credit Act"), as applicable. In this regard, the Office published the following guidance documentation, pursuant to Part VII (Registration and Election Financing) of the Election Act, to facilitate financial recording and reporting by registered political parties and candidates.

Registered Political Parties

Registered Political Party’s Guide to Provisions of The Election Act, 1996 (E-508)

Chief Official Agent’s Guide to Provisions of The Election Act, 1996 (E-520)

Auditor’s Guide to Provisions of The Election Act, 1996 (E-528)


Candidate’s Guide to Provisions of The Election Act, 1996 (E-400)

Business Manager’s Guide to Provisions of The Election Act, 1996 (E-402)

Auditor’s Guide to Provisions of The Election Act, 1996 (E-404)

Further, to outline the statutory obligations under the new regime governing registered political parties’ and independent candidates’ acceptance of eligible contributions and the issuance of official tax receipts, the Office also published the following guidance documentation.

Registered Political Parties

Guide to Provisions of The Political Contributions Tax Credit Act, 2001 (Registered Political Party) (P-600)

Independent Candidates

Guide to Provisions of The Political Contributions Tax Credit Act, 2001 (Independent Candidate) (P-604)

Statutory Reporting

Statutory reporting is the mechanism chosen by the Legislative Assembly for the Office to report on activities under the direction of the Chief Electoral Officer. Such reporting, in addition to outlining the conduct of each electoral event and financial practices related thereto, provides an annual update of Office activities for consideration by the Legislative Assembly and members of the public. The Office, pursuant to the Election Act and The Tabling of Documents Act, 1991 (Saskatchewan), tabled the following reports in the Legislative Assembly.

By-Election Reports

June 26, 2003 - Carrot River Valley

March 17, 2003 - Battleford-Cut Knife

March 17, 2003 - Saskatoon Fairview

October 4, 2002 - Kindersley

November 8, 2001 - Saskatoon Idylwyld

March 19, 2001 - Saskatoon Riversdale

February 26, 2001 - Regina Elphinstone

June 26, 2000 - Wood River

June 28, 1999 - Cypress Hills

June 28, 1999 - Regina Dewdney

June 28, 1999 - Saskatoon Fairview

October 26, 1998 - Athabasca

June 24, 1998 - Saskatoon Eastview

General Election Reports

Twenty-Fifth General Election November 5, 2003

Volume I - Statement of Votes

Volume II - Campaign Contributions and Expenditures

Twenty-Fourth General Election September 16, 1999

Volume I - Statement of Votes

Volume II - Campaign Contributions and Expenditures

Annual Reports

Annual Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Saskatchewan 2006-2007

Annual Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Saskatchewan 2005-2006

Annual Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Saskatchewan Compendium 2003-2005

Annual Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Saskatchewan Compendium 1998-2002

The foregoing documents and reports are available from Elections Saskatchewan without charge.

Elections Saskatchewan

© 2007 Elections Saskatchewan