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Canadian Commercial Corporation Canada's International Contracting Agency
Aerospace, Defence and Security Emerging and Developing Markets Service Offerings About CCC

CCC's Role in Aerospace, Defence and Security


CCC's History in Aerospace, Defence and Security

For Exporters

Market Access for Canadian Exporters

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Defence procurement from Canada

U.S. DoD procurement from Canada

Related information

Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA)

Defence Development Sharing Agreement (DDSA)

NASA Letter of Agreement


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Aerospace, Defence and Security


As Canada’s international contracting agency, CCC negotiates and executes bilateral government-to-government contracts to meet allied militaries’ defence requirements. These contracts often arise from reciprocal international relationships and operate where there is a clear role for the government due to the sensitive nature of certain products and services.

The defence sector is one such area of focus that operates outside of normal trade bodies like the World Trade Organization (WTO). Various bilateral defence relationships also require specific procurement arrangements and CCC acts as Canada’s foreign military sales component in those instances.

Anchored by the Canada-U.S. defence relationship

CCC’s aerospace, defence and security business is anchored in the Canada-U.S. defence relationship. For fifty years, CCC has been responsible for helping Canada meet its commitments under the Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA), put in place to foster a strong and integrated North American defence industrial base.

Under the DPSA, Canadian companies are treated as equal partners in an integrated North American defence industrial base and therefore have equal opportunity for contracts with the United States Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) and use CCC as a contracting agency for contracts over USD$100,000. CCC acts as prime contractor and subcontracts the goods and services to Canadian companies. As a result of this agreement, CCC contracts between $650-750M of business with the U.S. DoD annually.

Supporting Canada’s relationships with allied militaries

CCC also assists in developing opportunities for joint procurements between the Department of National Defence (DND) and other countries’ defence departments. This strategy increases Canadian export sales, lowers the cost of procurement for DND and the other defence department and enhances interoperability with allied military forces.

CCC provides foreign government buyers and Canadian exporters with the assurance of transparency at every phase of the procurement process – from posting the tender to supplier selection through project auditing – attesting to the importance we place on sound business practices.

Supporting Canadian exporters

The Corporation uses its unique relationships, contracting expertise and in-depth product knowledge to support Canadian exporters in the defence market through the negotiation of government-to-government contracts.

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