Legislation and Policy

This section provides general information pertaining to legislation, regulations and policies regarding pari-mutuel wagering on Horse Racing in Canada, as well as various application forms.

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Department of Justice: Criminal Code of Canada - Section 204

Part VII: Disorderly Houses, Gaming and Betting

CPMA Regulations

CPMA Consolidation: Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations - June 2003

Foreign Race Inter-Track Betting (FRITB)

Canadian bets placed at Canadian tracks, along with its corresponding teletheatres, telephone and on-site accounts, into common pools hosted on races run at a foreign track.

Inter-Track Betting from a foreign Organization

Canadian Association requesting authorization to accept wagers from a foreign organization (and their approved contracted partners) into common pools in Canada.

Inter-Track Betting from a Foreign Organization Application (ITB Form 07-08) (PDF version, 46 KB) (Note: Document is legal size, two-sided) - Help on PDF

For additional information or questions please contact Rande Sawchuk.