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World Class Performance and Safety
AECL Track Record – On Time, On Budget
Economic Benefits of CANDU
Proven Technology
CANDU – Strengthening Canada’s R&D and Innovation Agendas
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CANDU Country

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Best Option for Canada

CANDU CountryOntario’s electricity sector is facing one of the most challenging periods in its history. Our electricity system has less capacity today than it did 12 years ago, while demand has continued to increase. This could create a gap of up to 24,000 megawatts (MW) by 2025 - about 80 per cent of Ontario’s current capacity.

The solution: CANDU nuclear technology – a proven, world-class performer, operating in Canada and around the world with an unmatched safety, reliability and power production track record.

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CANDU Canada - Canada's nuclear energy source.  This website answers your questions about CANDU nuclear power and gives you the opportunity to find out more about the future of Ontario's energy supply.


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