Where Are My Savings Insured by CDIC?
  • Where Are My Savings Insured by CDIC?
  • List of CDIC Members
  • Member Institution Mergers
  • History of Member Institution Failures
  • What's Covered,
    What's Not?
  • What's Covered, What's Not?
  • Savings Accounts and Chequing Accounts
  • GICs and Other Term Deposits
  • Money Orders, Certified Cheques and Bank Drafts
  • Realty Taxes on Mortgaged Properties
  • Debentures
  • Mutual Funds and Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Treasury Bills
  • How Does CDIC Calculate Insurance?
  • How Does CDIC Calculate Insurance?
  • Savings Held in One Name
  • Savings Held in More than One Name (joint deposit)
  • Savings Held in Trust
  • Savings Held in an RRSP
  • Savings Held in a RRIF
  • Accounts that Hold Realty Taxes on Mortgaged Properties
  • Calculator
  • What Is Deposit Insurance?
  • What Is Deposit Insurance?
  • Why Deposit Insurance Is Important
  • Who Pays For Deposit Insurance
  • FAQs
  • Who Is CDIC?
  • Who Is CDIC?
  • What CDIC Does
  • Who CDIC Works For
  • We Work with Other Organizations
  • International Work
  • APEC Policy Dialogue on Deposit Insurance
  • Survey on International Deposit Insurance Practices
  • International Links
  • How CDIC Is Run
  • CDIC’s Statutory Objects and Role as a Crown Corporation
  • How CDIC Is Governed
  • CDIC Board of Directors—Biographies
  • CDIC Board of Directors — Composition and Terms
  • Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
  • CDIC Board Committees
  • CDIC Board Committee Responsibilities
  • Membership in CDIC Standing Board Committees (March 2007)
  • Key Governance Policies and Reports
  • How CDIC Is Managed and Organized
  • CDIC Organization Chart
  • Overview of CDIC Divisions and Departments
  • CDIC Executive—Biographies
  • Travel and Hospitality Expense Reports
  • Publications, Speeches and Announcements
  • For Member Institutions
  • For Member Institutions
  • Differential Premiums
  • Intervention Process
  • Legislation and By-Laws
  • Protecting Your Deposits (Brochure)
  • E-Filing
  • Links