International Work

Overview of CDIC’s International Activities

The global financial industry is changing rapidly. Financial institutions are becoming larger and much more complex—forming conglomerates that span many countries and giving rise to cross-border implications that affect Canada’s financial sector. As the globalization of the financial services continues, CDIC must understand the changes that are occurring and how these affect our member institutions and the provision of deposit insurance.

CDIC participates in a number of international activities relating to deposit insurance. The Corporation receives many requests for participation in international conferences, seminars and workshops and requests for assistance by countries establishing or updating deposit insurance systems. CDIC’s assistance aligns with the federal government's policy of promoting international financial system stability and cooperation in financial institution regulation. The Corporation also benefits by learning about developments in other deposit insurance systems and emerging global issues which can affect our member institutions. Some of these issues include:

  • globalization and its impact on the financial services sector
  • the effect of multiple regulators/supervisors dealing with a global financial institution
  • variances in international law and insolvency regimes
  • new deposit and investments products
  • developments in e-money, e-commerce and international clearing and settlements

In addition to providing direct assistance to countries, CDIC participates in the development of international guidance for deposit insurance systems. This is being done through organizations such as the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI), the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As an example, CDIC is currently leading the development of international good practices in the governance of deposit insurance systems and is working with Korea and the United States in developing research and guidance on funding and claims and asset recovery techniques used by deposit insurers.

Learn more about CDIC’s international work, including our survey on international deposit insurance practices and access international links to other deposit insurance organizations around the world. Visit our general links page to connect with other international organizations and events.

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