

Episode 56

Written by Greg Nelson and Adam Pettle
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

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CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 1

Sergeant Kinsella and 3-1 Bravo are engaged in an intense firefight in a village in Panjwai District. 3-1 Charlie is pinned down, and Pat, Chucky, Dean and Jakes move in to attempt an extraction. 3-1 Charlie's section commander takes a bullet that pierces his Kevlar vest: it's an armour piercing round, a deadly new addition to the Taliban arsenal. A journalist, Claire Adams, arrives at KAF, doing an investigative piece on how these high-power weapons are finding their way into Taliban hands. 3-1 Bravo is ordered to act as security detail as Adams meets with a warlord for information on the new arms. It all goes wrong, and Claire is abducted.

Episode 57

Written by Greg Nelson and Adam Pettle
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 2

We pick up the story from Claire's perspective. Her fixer in Kandahar, Ali, a man with deep connections on all sides of the conflict, offers to arrange a meeting for Claire with Jabari, a powerful warlord. Jabari is looking to settle some old scores, and is prepared to describe how a new generation of lethal weapons is making its way into Taliban hands. Escorted to the meeting by Pat and 3-1, Jabari's men suddenly turn hostile, and they abduct Claire. Her life hangs in the balance.

Episode 58

Written by Hannah Moscovitch
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 3

The final part of this three episode arc. We pick up the story from Chucky Manson's perspective, in the moments just after journalist Claire Adams (Krista Bridges) is abducted. 3-1 Bravo desperately tries to find Claire, but with every passing minute, the trail grows ominously colder. Chucky's face-to-face encounter with a sniper - armed with a Dragunov with armour-piercing rounds - almost ends in his death. From this point forward, Chucky becomes convinced that his fate is inextricably tied with Claire's: if she dies, his own number may well be up.

Episode 59

Written by Nicolas Billon
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 4

Master Corporal Jakes takes over 3-1 Charlie Section, leaving space in Bravo for a battlefield replacement. The section is assigned Private Gilmore, a reservist who's worked extremely hard for a tour of duty in Kandahar. The challenge for Gilmore, and ultimately his tragedy, is that no amount of training can fully prepare a newcomer for the extremes of life "outside the wire."

Episode 60

Written by Emil Sher
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 5

3-1 Bravo returns to Khakrez to investigate an boarded-up school, originally built two years before by a Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team. Their shocking discovery not only places them in danger, but the whole community as well.

Episode 61

Written by Barbara Samuels
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 6

On a presence patrol north of Shah Wali Kot, Pat and 3-1 Bravo are ordered to investigate Taliban activity in a nearby village. They discover a school they had visited a year before destroyed by the Taliban, the school caretaker hanging from a tree, and the teacher, Atia -- a woman who had become a friend of Kinsella's -- clinging to life. But Pat knows that the local insurgents will not rest until the teacher has been killed. The clock ticks down as Kinsella desperately tries to find a way to get Atia out of the country, and away from sure death.

Episode 62

Written by Greg Spottiswood
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4 Complete - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 7

Chucky, Dean and Jakes are assigned to assist in the training of Afghan national Army soldiers. Chucky has his doubts about the success of this mission: the new recruits are not quick studies. But when the unit is ambushed, and most of the recruits abandon the field, Chucky finds himself face-to-face with a severely wounded Taliban sniper, who thrusts Chucky onto the horns of profound dilemma: the dying sniper is asking Chucky to kill him.

Episode 63

Written by Greg Spottiswood
Produced and Directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4 Complete - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 8

It has been two weeks since Private Manson came face-to-face with a dying Taliban sniper, begging Manson to end his suffering and kill him. The officer commanding the unit, Captain Irvine, asked Manson to leave the scene and call in a medevac. Once outside, Manson hears two gunshots from inside the compound. Irvine emerges. The sniper is dead. Private Manson finds himself on the horns of a deeply troubling dilemma: should he file a report, or remain silent about what may, or may not have happened.

Episode 64

Written by David Carley
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair

Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4 Complete - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 9

Chucky has two weeks of leave coming up, but rather than head home to Cape Breton, he decides instead to visit Claire Adams, the journalist whose life he saved.  When he arrives in Toronto, he discovers that Claire, though physically recuperating, is nursing deep psychological wounds, that he realizes he shares.

Episode 65

Written by Alex Levine
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair
Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4 Complete - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 10

The section is assigned to make contact with village elders in a community that may have fallen back into Taliban hands.  Once inside, they discover a stolen truck loaded with explosives.  In order to ensure that the Taliban can't use this 'high value acquisition,' Dean volunteers to repair it, and drive it away from the community, risking  his life.

Episode 66

Written by Al Rae
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair
Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4 Complete - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 11

A padre who wants to experience what life is like outside the wire, is assigned to shadow the section on a security mission to a shura.  Returning to the FOB, they encounter a severe dust storm and an insurgent attack.  In order to save Dean's life, the padre must make a fateful decision: whether or not to fire his weapon.

Episode 67

Written by Emil Sher
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair
Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4 Complete - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 12

Accompanying a Canadian general for a high-profile meeting of village elders in a village thought to be secure, Dean encounters Pvt. Lannon, a soldier who he knew in Sudbury before either of them enlisted.  There's bad blood between them. After the convoy is attacked, the section head out to arrest a suspected insurgent, and are pinned down in heavy fire.  While attempting to rescue Lannon, Dean himself is hit and seriously wounded.

Episode 68

Written by Emil Sher
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair 
Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 13 - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 13

This episode picks up from the point the medevac helicopter retrieves Dean and Lannon from the field for transport back to KAF, and the Role 3 hospital.  Told from the perspective of the aeromedtech (Athena Karkanis) we get a real-time view of how life unfolds in the busiest, and best, emergency room in Afghanistan.

Episode 69

Written by Alex Levine
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair
Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 14 - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 14

Accompanying a newly elected governor back to his home town, the section discovers that centuries-old tribal and family rivalries are as current as the most recent elections. Par, Chucky and Dean find themselves caught in the middle as tensions flare and hostilities erupt.

Episode 70

Written by Greg Nelson
Produced and directed by Gregory J. Sinclair
Buy this episode from CBC Radio - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 15 - Afghanada: Season 4, Episode 15

Redeployed to a base just outside Kandahar City, the section finds that operating in the narrow streets is immensely more dangerous than in open country.  When an inhabitant shows them the location of a Taliban-wired IED, a chain reaction of events is unleashed that sees the unit pinned down, and their superior officer, Lt. Petrovsky, gravely injured.