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Canadian Coast Guard

Levels of Service

Welcome to the Canadian Coast Guard Levels of Service Review Web Page.

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) is committed to providing its clients in the marine field with the best services possible within its available resources. These services include:

As part of this commitment CCG has embarked on an initiative to review the levels of service provided through programs to its many clients across the country. The objectives of the review are as follows:

  • Increase understanding of CCG levels of service;
  • Listen to client views on the appropriateness and relevance of CCG services;
  • Identify perceived gaps and variances in services that may exist; and
  • Evaluate feedback received from stakeholders and clients in the context of possible recommendations for improving services to clients.

Levels of service for the Canadian Coast Guard's programs are key to efficient planning and delivery. They are a cornerstone of the CCG's business, alongside operational readiness and capacity.

Levels of service are statements describing the services clients should expect from the CCG, including such information as the purpose of the services, the seasonal duration and the areas where the services will be provided.

The document: Levels of Service and Service Standards provides a brief description of the objectives - or results - that each of the Coast Guard programs aims to achieve. The document then identifies the different services that each program is responsible for delivering. Levels of service have been clearly established for all of these services. Service standards, which provide the benchmark that the CCG commits to achieving in delivering its services, are included in the document where available. The CCG is currently reviewing its service standards.

Updated: 2007-07-20

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