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Award of Excellence 2008


See Winners of the 2005 Event

Best Practices (For more info click here)

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) Award of Excellence Best Practices initiative for 2008 is underway! This is the fifth anniversary of the CRRF program that recognizes excellence and achievement in anti-racism practice in Canada.

2008 Award Application  (For more info click here)

Do you have a program, practice, or initiative that has made a significant impact in your organization or community?  Does your Best Practice address issues of racism and discrimination in a real and tangible way? Would you like to share this with others and be recognized nationally?  The CRRF is interested in your application to the Award of Excellence Best Practices initiative.

All the award winners will be invited to a learning symposium where they can share their initiatives with other industry leaders in the field. Mark the date: On April 23 - 24th, 2008 in Calgary Alberta, the CRRF will host a national symposium and awards ceremony. 

2008 Symposium

The conference is entitled:  "What is Canadian Racism?  Engaging a Critical Analysis of Racism and How to Tackle it". This event will address current issues in relation to equity and racism, through policy, research and training forums.

Would you like to present a policy or position on a significant aspect of the conference theme?  The CRRF is putting out a call for policy papers.

Deadline for the Call for Policy Papers is:  To be confirmed

Do you have a proven training model that moves people from diversity awareness to equity and critical anti-racism practice?  The CRRF is putting out a call for workshops.

Deadline for the Call for Workshops is:  To be confirmed.


For more information contact:  

Sandy Yep

Director of Education & Training

Phone:  416-952-5019 w 1-888-240-4936











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