Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Resources for Accessible Technology and Procurement

Government of Canada

Industry Canada's Assistive Devices Industry Office
The work of this office falls into three broad areas of activity: industrial development, market development and support, and industry liaison and advocacy. To carry out these activities, the office gathers and disseminates information on current industry trends, provides information on domestic and foreign market opportunities, etc.
Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN)
The Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) is a code used by the Federal Government to identify generic product descriptions for its purchasing activities. This site provides a downloadable (zip-archived) MS-Excel spreadsheet containing all the GSIN codes with both English and French descriptions. A service provided by Contracts Canada (a section of Public Works and Government Services Canada.

Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual
The SACC Manual contains standard terms and conditions that departments can incorporate into tender or contract documents. It also contains commonly used forms and standard procurement clauses. This manual is used by PWGSC buyers when they create bid solicitation, contract and other procurement documents. The Manual includes the standard construction clauses and conditions (Section 5R, Real Property Contracting).

US Government

The US Access Board
The United States Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (the Access Board) is responsible for publishing standards that set forth a definition of electronic and information technology and the technical and functional performance criteria necessary for accessibility for such technology.

Department of Justice: Section 508 Home Page
Section 508 (508 statute html, 508 statute pdf) requires that Federal agencies' electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public.

Section 508 establishes requirements for any electronic and information technology developed, maintained, procured, or used by the Federal government. The term "electronic and information technology" has been defined by the Access Board in regulations published December 21, 2000.

General Services Administration:
The Center for Information Technology Accommodation (CITA), in the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Governmentwide Policy, has been charged with the task of educating Federal employees and building the infrastructure necessary to support Section 508 implementation. Using this web site, Federal employees and the public can access resources for understanding and implementing the requirements of Section 508.

Federal Supply Codes / Product Service Codes
An application provided by the Defense Logistics Information Service. This site also provides a link to a downloadable PDF version of the FSC Handbook dated February 2002.

The European Parliament

Procedures for supply, service and works contracts [In MS-Word format]
Published in June 2003, this document describes amendments to European Parliament rules for procurement of goods and services, including those related to accessible procurement. [In MS-Word format]

The United Nations

United Nations Standard Products and Services Code®
The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®) system is a modern alternative to older product and service codes used in procurement by government and industry.

Other procurement resources

E-Learning Software Procurement (ESP) Tool
"The ESP Tool helps guide potential buyers of learning management software to determine what are the right questions to ask of vendors. When you are finished using the ESP Tool you will have generated a report that could form the basis of a formal Request for Proposal or Request for Information document, or be used as a less formal reference when talking to software vendors."

The ESP Tool is being developed by the University of Toronto's Adaptive Technology Resource Centre. The prototype is available online now.