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Component I − Creation/Production Project Grants (Integrated Arts Program for Organizations)


15 November 2007

If this date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day. Your completed application and all required support material must be postmarked on or before the deadline date.

The Canada Council will not accept applications postmarked after the deadline, incomplete applications, or those submitted by fax or email. You will not be contacted if your application is incomplete.

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Program Description

The Integrated Arts Program for Organizations provides funding for artistic works, practices, programming and events that combine art forms, or integrate existing art forms into a new form. It funds only activities that are outside the framework of an existing funding program of the Canada Council for the Arts.

This program includes the following types of organizations: interdisciplinary content, multidisciplinary content and multidisciplinary structure. Definitions are provided in the next section.

This program permanently replaces the former Inter-Arts Program for Organizations and Multidisciplinary Festivals Project Grants program.


  • Embrace and support diversity, plurality and (or) hybridity of practice as demonstrated in the body of work of an individual artist or within an organization’s programming.
  • Support both innovation and tradition, and (or) integration of innovation and tradition.
  • Support artistic excellence in artistic work, process, professional development, research methodology, and in relation to local context.
  • Support relationships and collaboration among artists of different disciplinary and cultural backgrounds.

There is also an Integrated Arts Program for Professional Artists, which has its own guidelines and application form. These documents will be available in the fall of 2007, and the application deadline for the program will be 1 May 2008.

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Eligible Applicants

The Creation/Production Project Grants component of the program is intended for professional, integrated arts creation/production organizations. Applicants must meet the definition, in the previous section, of an artists’ collective or an incorporated group and can be either an interdisciplinary content organizations or a multidisciplinary content organization.

This program is accessible to Aboriginal artists and arts organizations and artists and arts organizations from diverse regional and cultural communities of Canada.

Organizations Holding an Operating Grant From Another Section of the Canada Council

Organizations that currently receive annual or multi-year operating funding from the Canada Council may not apply to the Integrated Arts Program for Organizations. Those that currently receive annual support from a disciplinary section, and whose mandate includes activities previously funded by the Inter-Arts Office, must now include these activities as part of their regular operating activities or request a transfer to the Integrated Arts Program (see below).

Organizations Holding an Operating Grant or Annual Programming Grant from the Integrated Arts Program

Organizations receiving annual or multi-year operating support, or annual programming support, from the Integrated Arts Program for Organizations are not eligible to apply for project funding through any other program at Council.

Transferring to the Integrated Arts Program for Organizations

Organizations that currently receive annual support from one or more disciplinary sections and whose activities respond to the eligibility criteria of the Integrated Arts Program for Organizations can request a permanent transfer to the Inter-Arts Office.

Activities Funded by This Component

The Creation/Production Project Grants component assists applicants to pursue creative activity, including research, development, creation and (or) production projects.

Funded activities must take place between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2010.

A development period should be geared toward future production or, where this applies, dissemination of research findings.


Creation activities include:

  • researching and developing ideas, concepts and projects
  • experimenting with new materials
  • working with specialists to develop knowledge and skills
  • pursuing other activities related to the creative development of new work.

Grants for production can cover costs related to all of the above. They can also cover the direct costs of producing new artworks, self-presenting as part of the first performance of a work, and remounting works.


Applicants may not apply to this program for support of the same costs that appear in any other current request to the Canada Council.

Applicants may resubmit an unsuccessful project only once to a subsequent competition in any program at the Canada Council.

Overdue final reports for any previous Canada Council grants must be submitted and approved before applicants may apply for a new grant.

The Canada Council does not provide retroactive funding. In other words, funding is not available for activities carried out before the program deadline.

Note: Some exceptions will be permitted in the transition period between current funding structures and this program.

Other Grants

Artists and Community Collaboration Program Project Funding

Project support for the Artists and Community Collaboration Program is available through all project grant components of the Integrated Arts Program for Organizations.

Coordinated Annual Programming Funding for Multidisciplinary Structure Organizations

Multidisciplinary structure organizations that have been funded by the Canada Council for five or more years, and whose activities extend beyond the scope of the Integrated Arts Program for Organizations, have the option of applying to the Coordinated Annual Programming Funding for Multidisciplinary Structure Organizations program. This program will allow organizations to use one application form to request support from the Canada Council for all of their eligible activities, including those funded by the Integrated Arts Program. Organizations receiving this type of support will not be eligible to apply to any other program at the Canada Council.

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Grant Types and Amounts

Organizations that do not currently receive annual or multi-year support from the Canada Council can apply for a maximum of $30,000 in any combination of components I, II or III of this program for activities not already funded by the Canada Council. These organizations, as well as professional artists and organization that hold an operating grant form the Inter-Arts Office, can also apply separately for up to $30,000 in support for component IV for activities not already funded by the Canada Council.

For example, an organization may apply to Components I and III for a total maximum of $30,000 and to Component IV for an additional maximum of $30,000.

Applicants to component II and/or III must use the component II and III application form.  Applications to component IV must use the component IV application form. 

Eligible Expenses

  • Artists’ fees (production groups should request salaries rather than subsistence)
  • Fees for project personnel
  • Production and material costs
  • Dissemination costs for the first public self-presentation of a work
  • Equipment rental costs
  • Research costs
  • Travel costs directly related to production or research

Ineligible Expenses

  • Capital costs and the cost of purchasing equipment
  • Ongoing operating costs
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Application Guidelines and Form

Component I - Creation/Production Project Grants (for Organizations) (PDF format)
This document can be printed but cannot be filled out on line

Financial Information for Component I - Creation/Production Project Grants (Orgs) (Excel format)

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Further Information

Claude Schryer, Coordinator
Inter-Arts Office
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 4204

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: 613-565-5194

Fax: 613-566-4332

September 2007