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Capacity Building Initiative: Annual Support for Aboriginal Administrative Artistic Practices (Pilot)


15 November

Program Description


In 2005, the Aboriginal Arts Secretariat launched a new strategic initiative to support Aboriginal organizations through capacity building. This three-year initiative provided funds to several Aboriginal organizations in Canada, to help increase their administrative capacity, develop their internal governance and build their long-term strength and sustainability.

The interest shown in this original initiative, and the demand for funding from it, has resulted in this new component--Annual Support for Aboriginal Administrative Artistic Practices --being offered as a pilot in 2006. 

Program Objectives

The main objectives of this pilot component are to increase the ability of participating Aboriginal organizations to manage and govern themselves, and to build their long-term strength and resiliency. The other objective is to continue to develop a strong network of Aboriginal organizations and to help them develop their organizational, administrative and financial abilities, which will make it easier for them to fulfill their mandates.

By providing annual administrative support, the program also helps organizations adapt to opportunities or to make changes, such as the following:

  • respond to demand that exceeds resource
  • solve difficulties by making organizational changes, and
  • enhance alliances with community to strengthen collaborative relationships.
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Eligible Applicants

Your organization is eligible to apply to this program if it is an emerging Aboriginal arts organization that has received project funding from the Canada Council for the Arts in the past. Organizations  currently receiving operational funding from the Canada Council are also eligible.

Eligible Activities

Capacity building can occur in virtually every aspect of an organization, including programs, management, operations, technology, human resources, governance, financial management, fund development, communications, mentorships, professional development seminars for staff, services, and courses that develop leadership capabilities and stronger connections with community.

Ineligible Activities

Capital expenses, such as; computer equipment, purchases, technological expenses and travel costs are not eligible.

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Grant Amount

Up to $20,000.

Funds may be used to add an administrative position to the organization or to carry out additional administrative activities.

Retroactive funding is not available; grant funds may be used to support only those expenses that occur after the grant has been approved.

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Further Information

Louise Profeit-LeBlanc
Aboriginal Arts Coordinator
Aboriginal Arts Secretariat
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or (613) 566-4414, ext. 4222

Fax: (613) 566-4406

August 2006