Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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These regions match the jurisdictions of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. To see the boundaries of each region, click here.

Some species are already protected under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) while some are under consideration for addition to the Act. You can find out a species' status by checking the blue box at the top of each species profile.

This is not an exhaustive list of aquatic species at risk. Please check back regularly for new species profiles.

Pacific Central and Arctic


Bering cisco
Blue whale (Pacific)
Chinook salmon
Coho salmon (Int Fraser River)
Columbia Mottled Sculpin
Cultus pygmy sculpin
Enos L stickleback (benthic)
Enos L stickleback (limnetic)
Fin Whale (Pacific)
Green sturgeon
Grey whale (NE Pacific)
Harbour porpoise (Pacific)
Hotwater physa
Humpback whale (N Pac)
Killer whale (NE Pac, N resident)
Killer whale (NE Pac, S resident)
Killer whale (NE Pac, offshore)
Killer whale (NE Pac, transient)
Leatherback turtle
Morrison Creek lamprey
Nooksack dace
Northern abalone
North Pacific right whale
Olympia Oyster
Paxton L stickleback (benthic)
Paxton L stickleback (limnetic)
Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel
Salish sucker
Sea otter
Sei whale (Pacific)
Shorthead sculpin
Speckled dace
Sockeye salmon (Cultus Lake)
Sockeye salmon (Sakinaw Lake)
Steller sea lion
Vananda Cr stickleback (benthic)
Vananda Cr stickleback (limnetic)
Vancouver Lamprey
White Sturgeon (Kootenay River)
White Sturgeon (Nechako River)
White Sturgeon (Upper Columbia River)
White Sturgeon (Upper Fraser River)

Central and Arctic

*New: See also Central and Arctic Species Fact Sheets.  PDF's also available here for download.

Atlantic Wolffish
Aurora trout
Beluga whale (Cumberland Sound)
Beluga whale (E Hudson Bay)
Beluga whale (Ungava Bay)
Beluga whale (Eastern High Arctic/Baffin Bay)
Beluga Whale (Western Hudson Bay Population)
Black redhorse
Blackstripe Topminnow
Bowhead whale (Eastern
Bowhead whale (Western Arctic)
Bowhead Whale (Davis Strait-Baffin Bay Population)
Bowhead Whale (Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin Population)
Bowhead Whale (Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Sea Population)
Bridle Shiner
Carmine shiner
Channel darter
Eastern sand darter
Eastslope sculpin (St. Mary and Milk river)
Grass Pickerel
Gravel Chub
Green Sturgeon
Kiyi (Upper Great Lakes population)
Lake chubsucker
Lake Winnipeg physa
Mudpuppy mussel
Northern madtom
Northern riffleshell
Northern wolffish
Pugnose Minnow
Pugnose shiner
Rayed bean
Round hickorynut
Round Pigtoe
Shortjaw cisco
Shortnose Cisco
Silver Chub
Spotted gar
Spotted Sucker
Spotted wolffish
Wavy-rayed lampmussel
Western silvery minnow
Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Alberta Population)

Québec Gulf


Atlantic cod (Laurentian North)
Atlantic walrus (NW Atlantic)
Beluga whale (E Hudson Bay)
Beluga whale (St. Lawrence River)
Beluga whale (Ungava Bay)
Blue whale (Atlantic)
Channel darter
Copper Redhorse
Eastern sand darter
Fin Whale (Atlantic)
Grass pickerel
Leatherback turtle
North Atlantic right whale
Northern wolffish
Spotted wolffish


Atlantic Walrus (NW Atlantic)
Atlantic Wolffish
Blue whale (Atlantic)
Harbour porpoise
Leatherback turtle
North Atlantic right whale
Northern wolffish
Spotted wolffish
Yellow Lampmussel

Maritimes Newfoundland and Labrador


Atlantic salmon (Inner Bay of Fundy)
Atlantic Walrus (NW Atlantic)
Atlantic whitefish
Atlantic Wolffish
Blue whale (Atlantic)
Dwarf Wedgemussel
Grey whale (Atlantic)
Harbour porpoise
Lake Utopia dwarf smelt
Leatherback turtle
N Bottlenose whale (Scotian Shelf)
North Atlantic right whale
Northern wolffish
Spotted wolffish
Yellow Lampmussel

Newfoundland and Labrador

Atlantic cod (Laurentian North)
Atlantic cod (NL)
Atlantic Walrus (NW Atlantic)
Atlantic Wolffish
Beluga whale (Cumberland Sound)
Blue whale (Atlantic)
Grey whale (Atlantic)
Harbour porpoise
Leatherback turtle
North Atlantic right whale
Northern wolffish
Spotted wolffish