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South Korea

Jessica Son, Managing Director
e-mail: son.jessica@ctc-cct.ca
Tel. 822-733-7751

South Korea marketing from headquarters (Asia/Pacific Marketing)

In-market Consumer Website


Market Snapshot

Quarterly Market Report

Co-op Advertising

With our industry partners, we place co-op advertising in both trade and consumer print media. We post tactical ad campaigns on bus stands and subway walls (large screen).

Media & Public Relations

  • VCP Media
  • Media events
  • Weekly press releases

Canada Gold Maple Couple Program – For this, we partnered with Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corp. and Air Canada. We selected a celebrity couple (respected family doctors) and did cross-promotions with trade to target family travel. This campaign takes advantage of the wedding vow renewal trend among the 40 and older, educated and affluent demographic. We used the couple’s portfolio and photos in co-op newspaper advertising–with five Korean travel agents and Air Canada–for Canada tour packages highlighting fall colour. We have sold nearly 3,000 “Maple Colour” packages. We will continue in 2007 with a new celebrity couple. The couple will work as ambassadors for our Canadian partner provinces and territories (one province per year).

Trade Development

  • Canada Specialist Program”
  • e-newsletter to key tour operators and airlines
  • Industry co-ops for product development

Trade Shows

  • Showcase Canada, Seoul
  • ANTOR Road show, secondary cities

Consumer Development

  • We produce Canada travel guides in Korean.
  • Online events / campaigns
  • Global CTC Korea website in Korean
  • Consumer shows:
    • KOTFA (Korean World Travel Fair), Seoul
    • BITF (Busan Travel Fair), Busan
    • Weddex (largest wedding fair), Seoul

Non-traditional Partnerships

  • Canadian Rockies Trekking Promotion with ARC’TERYX
  • Taste of Canada Festival” with Canola Oil and Emart
  • Co-op with Iriver (largest MP3 player) and Daum portal site

In-market committee

Committee Members

