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50th Anniversary

The 50 for 50 Arts Challenge is one of a number of special activities related to the Canada Council’s 50th anniversary, including more than 80 anniversary concerts, performances and other events dedicated to the Canada Council by arts organizations across Canada.

Calgarians have taken on the challenge.

Take the “50 for 50” Arts Challenge

Help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Canada Council for the Arts by experiencing the arts in 50 different ways in 2007. 

Have you read a good book lately? Gone to see a play? Sung in a choir…or in the shower? Taken the kids to an art gallery?

If so, you’re already a participant in the “50 for 50” Arts Challenge, an exciting new project sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts in celebration of its 50th anniversary.

The Canada Council invites you to join in its celebration by seeking out 50 special arts experiences this year that will put you in closer touch with the life of your community. You don’t have to spend a lot of money – or even leave home. You can listen to a great concert on the radio from the comfort of your armchair. You can have your friends over for a book club. You can write a poem, or sign up for dance classes or watch a Canadian film. Anything related to the arts counts. 

Then tell the Canada Council about your experiences – what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you learned, what were the most exciting discoveries. 

Tell us about your 50 for 50 arts challenge:  You may even see your contribution on this web site!