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Brand Canada toolkit

Letter from our president & CEO

I am pleased to announce the launch of the CTC’s new visual identity for Canada’s tourism brand. These partner guidelines highlight the many ways the new look will make Canada stand out in the marketplace.

We value your partnership and support of the CTC. In the highly competitive and crowded world of destination marketing, we know that to break through the clutter, it is more important than ever to speak in one clear and collective voice–presenting a united front to the consumer.

This new visual identity is an evolution of Canada’s tourism brand and the tool that will anchor our communications across all media. Integrating with our partners plays a key role in ensuring our collective success. It is our philosophy to work closely with you and your own unique identity to make this unified vision of Canada come to life.

It will take time. This year, we will all need to pitch in and work in collaboration to make the transition to this new look. 2007 is the year to bring Canada’s global ID to life and share some stories of Canadian travel that rarely make their way into the guidebooks.

Special thanks to everyone in the industry who contributed to the development of Canada’s tourism brand and to all our partners who will make this visual identity a reality in the future. Together, let’s make Canada the ultimate destination for curious travellers to explore. Let’s help them take home extra-ordinary stories.

Michele McKenzie, President and CEO

Our brand essence
Why are we doing this? What’s it all about? Here, we outline our vision, mission and values. Contagious, isn’t it?

Overview – About our brand
What’s Brand Canada, anyway? Find out here. We spell out the essence of the Brand, the Brand personality, look, voice, values and mission. We explain how we will communicate this through our fresh and flirty new branded materials. And how you can, too.

Marketing logo
Here we tell how and where to use which of our vibrant new Brand Canada logos. We delve into colour combos, positioning (horizontal versus vertical?), pairing with other logos, business cards and language. We talk urls and backgrounds, and decode which logo to use. You’ll find all the nitty gritty detail you need to use our trademarked logo and Wordmark.

Who said Canada was boring? Our vibrant new colours are a big wake up call! Get your fresh colour palettes and how-to here.

So many fonts, so little time… typography makes a bold first impression. And these are ours. We show samples with colours and various combinations so you’ll know which to use and where.

Pattern bar graphics
These are our key story-telling tools. These make us stand out and emphasize our unique features. Where did we find inspiration for the brand? Easy, in Canada’s stunning natural environment and impressions from genuine travel diaries. We reveal our original journal graphics and stylized pattern graphics, and show how to use these with optimum zing. We get into hues, layering, scale and borders.

Capture the moment and sell it–not the product. (Of course we’re selling the product, but that stays quietly in the background. The hook is the point.) And after 60 years of marketing Canada with landscapes, we’re turning the lens to our colourful people. We explain how Brand Canada photography looks and why it works. Find out how you can use the CTC’s images to enhance your marketing messages and shoot your own on-Brand pictures. We discuss composition, lighting, colours, exposure and subject matter.

Tone of voice
Tone and style, diction and rhythm communicate our brand through language. We paint a picture with words. We set the mood. And writing can make just as powerful a statement as a photograph. Think of this as Brand Writing 101. We give explicit instructions on how to write in brand tone, plus provide an essential check-list to make sure you’ve hit the mark.

Partner advertising and promotions
A brand is only strong if everyone uses it consistently. Here’s how with layouts, logos and bar graphics.

Wholesaler advertising and promotions
In this section, we outline how to incorporate the brand look and feel into your advertising and promotional material. It’s fun! You’ll see.

