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New funds for operating organizations, individual artists and public access

The Supplementary Operating Funds Initiative provided additional financial support, over a two-year period, to arts organizations that received multi-year or annual operating grants from the Canada Council for the Arts.

Background information on the allocation of the new funds

SOFI Interim Report Form

The SOFI Interim Report Form is now available. Please note that the deadline has been extended to 1 November 2007

As soon as your interim report has been received and approved, your next grant instalment will be issued.

SOFI Interim Report Form Sept.2007

SOFI Financial Pages for Reports

Results of competition for new funds

Supplementary Operating Funds Initiative
($33M over 2006-07 and 2007-08 – from new funds)

Additional grants to individual artists
($3.5M in 2006-07 – from new funds)

Additional grants for initiatives to encourage public access to the arts
($3.5M in 2006-07 – from new funds)

Additional project grants
(up to $1.5M in 2006-07)