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Canada has announced that it intends to work towards fulfilling its obligations and domestic climate change policy objectives by ensuring that it has the capacity to quantify, track and report progress on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a way that meets a required level of accuracy, thoroughness, transparency and public credibility.

In the Canada Gazette notice published in March 2004, the Government of Canada announced the first phase of mandatory reporting of GHG emissions. The first phase focuses on a limited number of emitters and basic reporting requirements and lays the foundation for the development of a harmonized and efficient domestic mandatory reporting system for GHG emissions. Phase 1 will focus on facilities that emit 100 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent or more annually, referred to as the reporting threshold. Reports of GHG emissions for 2004 will be due by June 1, 2005.

Through consultation, there was broad consensus that federal, provincial and territorial governments should be working in partnership to develop a single-window domestic reporting system that is efficient and harmonized and that would meet the following four key objectives:

  1. document and record information to support the proposed federal system for large final emitters;
  2. meet provincial and territorial reporting requirements for GHG emissions and related information;
  3. increase the level of detail and improve the precision of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory; and
  4. provide Canadians with reliable and timely information on GHG emissions.

With mandatory reporting systems already in existence in the provinces of Ontario and Alberta, the federal, provincial and territorial governments recognize the need for a harmonized GHG reporting system. Governments in consultation with stakeholders are working to define a process for a single GHG reporting system that will meet the reporting needs of all jurisdictions and minimize the reporting burden for both Canadian industry and government.

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The main purpose of this document is to provide guidance to help reporters determine if they are required to submit a report and to present technical information related to the GHG emissions to be reported and the required reporting format. This technical information includes the GHG types and emission sources covered, along with information on methods for calculating emissions. An overview of the reporting process is also described herein. The electronic data reporting system will provide more detailed reporting instructions on how to complete and submit the report form and other relevant information.

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