
Profile of the 2000 Taxfiler Farm Family Data


Taxfiler farm family data is collected from personal income tax returns and is compiled by Statistics Canada. The data refers to the income of families (husbandwife, common-law and lone-parent) involved in a single unincorporated farm with gross operating revenue of $10,000 or more. The Taxation Data Program is funded jointly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Statistics Canada.

This Profile of the 2000 Taxfiler Farm Family Data provides highlights and comparisons of farm level revenues and expenses as well as off-farm employment income for farm families by farm type, by revenue class and by province. In order to provide timely information, this overview will be produced on a regular basis as new data are released.

Click here to view a complete PDF version of the document Profile of the 2000 Taxfiler Farm Family Data (size: 123 KB). - PDF Help

For more information, please contact:

Kim O'Connor
Farm Data and Analysis Section
Farm Income and Adaptation Policy Directorate
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Bldg. 74, C.E.F.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C6
Tel. (613) 759-1920
Fax. (613) 759-7034