New/Nouveau Brunswick

Wellness, Culture and Sport


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Book and Periodical Publishers

Book Publishers
This program supports the publication of works by residents of New Brunswick which reflect the culture and heritage of the province. The Arts Development Branch accepts requests for financial assistance from publishers only; writers and translators have to submit to publishers. This program is limited to wholly Canadian-owned publishing companies whose chief place of business is located in New Brunswick, and whose regular program of publishing has included not less than three titles.

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Periodical Publishers
This program of financial assistance is intended to support the publication of literary, performing and visual arts periodicals which serve as outlets for the writers of fiction, poetry, drama and literary criticism or which report on the visual or performing arts in New Brunswick. Applications under this program shall be limited to wholly Canadian-owned companies or to non-profit cultural organizations whose chief place of business is located in New Brunswick. In exceptional cases, periodicals which are published in other provinces of the Atlantic region and which are of a regional scope will be eligible for assistance.

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