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Creating an effective resume

The purpose of creating a resume is to market yourself for the job you want. The goal is to land yourself an interview! Its contents should reflect the requirements of the position you are applying for by emphasizing your skills, accomplishments, and talents.

A professional resume includes:

  • A header;
  • Contact information - your full name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail, and web site (if you have one);
  • Career objectives - highlight aspects of the position you are applying for;
  • Professional accomplishments - highlight your qualifications;
  • Skills - list any professional and technical skills you have developed i.e. communications and managerial, budgeting and finance, hardware, software, operating systems, languages, etc.;
  • Professional experience - a chronological record of your employment history, listing in this order job title, company name, dates, job description and skills/tools used. Use active words, solution-oriented descriptions, and short sentences;
  • Education and training – list post secondary education, professional designations, and special courses attended. Include the institution, title of diploma/certificate/designation, and dates. Give special focus to honours, awards, and degrees;
  • Interests (optional) – include this only if your interests are directly related to the position you are applying for i.e. activities that demonstrate a specific skill such as teamwork, organization, communication, etc.;
  • References available upon request – check with your references beforehand to ensure they are readily available.
Other factors to consider:
  • Your resume should be produced on a computer. This is more professional and can be easily updated;
  • Your resume should be two pages maximum. Use legible fonts, bold face, underlining and capitals to emphasize key points;
  • Print your resume on a laser printer. Do not use brightly coloured or highly textured paper;
  • Include your name and phone number on all pages;
  • Emphasize your strengths but don't overstate or give false information;
  • Use point form wherever possible;
  • Include a covering letter clearly indicating the position you are applying for and briefly outlining your suitability for the role;
  • Proofread your resume and cover letter to ensure there are no errors.

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