Canada - Keep Exploring

Banff & Jasper

Monumental frozen spires dip dramatically into lush green valleys and turquoise lakes. The pure mountain air fills your lungs with a rejuvenating essence. As you reach a cupped hand toward the rush of water roaring down the side of a cliff, a sudden flash of white catches your attention. You look up only to find a big horn sheep perched on an invisible ledge staring right back. Reaching back to the falls, the pure, crisp taste of glacial run-off refreshes your spirit with its icy sting. Down in the valley, a moose swims valiantly across a pristine lake, sending out a few gentle ripples on an otherwise glass-smooth surface.

Majestic doesn't even begin to describe this place. It's like Nature saved her finest jewels for Banff and Jasper. It's the kind of place you think only exists in photographs – which is a shame, really. Photographs don't nearly do it justice.

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