Canada - Keep Exploring


Today, a shiny metropolis bursting with energetic optimism. Tomorrow, a sleepy seaside community nestled in a quaint cove. Step on and off at your leisure. Or make a scenic detour on the spur of the moment. Whether you prefer to take the wheel or sit back while someone else does the driving, tours are designed to widen your perspective and get the most out of your Canadian experience.

Scenic Drives & Road Trips
Wherever you hit the road in Canada, you'll have great stories to tell about where you drove – and where you decided to stop.
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Rail Tours
Snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys, magnificent waterfalls and tall swaying grasses whiz by while you recline comfortably in a vintage parlor car or under a panoramic dome roof.
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Boating Tours
Your every whim is catered to, and every port of call brings a new adventure.
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Historic Routes
Native tribes, Vikings, gold seekers, and explorers of all kinds have left indelible marks in the history and landscape of Canada.
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Organized Tours
Your job is to have a great time – let someone else drive and worry about the details.
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