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A dozen polar bears roam the vicinity, blotches of creamy softness ambling along the flat white terrain. As fierce as you know they can be, you are more in awe of their relative tranquility. A pair of cubs wrestles playfully in the snow, their protective mother looking on. Two males spar briefly for dominance, then go their separate ways. Others snooze the day away on the open tundra.

A steady crunching of snow grows louder as one hefty bruin approaches. You hold your breath as he leans his front paws against the enormous tires of your tundra buggy, stretching out his long neck for a better view of the parka-clad audience gathered above him. You lean over the railing to meet his gaze. Your eyes lock, each of you searching the other's face for answers to some unspoken question.

Known as the Polar Bear Capital of the World, the northern town of Churchill promises unforgettable encounters with these majestic beasts, along with beluga whales, harp seals and the other creatures of Canada's Sub arctic – a rare chance to hang out with the animals in their natural habitat and for a few moments, understand what life in the wild is really like.

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