Canada - Keep Exploring


The thundering roar of millions of gallons of water plunging 171 feet into a bubbling gorge drowns out the diesel engines of your ferry, the conversations of your fellow passengers, your very thoughts. Your ship charges on relentlessly, bucking and swaying its way into the horseshoe cradle of the colossal wall of water. You lean out over the rails and look up. A massive river of water plummets down from the heavens. Your cries of delight evaporate into the foamy tumult as the spray pelts you from every direction.

At dinner, a sumptuous local wine flows over your palate, leaving a warm, fruity flourish. You raise your glass to the comforts of fine dining and an extra change of clothes.

From the rush of the Falls to the quiet romance of vineyards, orchards and picturesque colonial towns, the Niagara region is the ideal setting to lift your spirits and indulge your senses.

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