Canada - Keep Exploring


The unforgettable call of the loon wakes you from your sun-drenched reverie. Applying another layer of sunscreen, you resume your artful pose at the end of the dock. You're sad to say goodbye to the peaceful lake and cozy cottage.

The excitement of steering into a tumultuous river of water as it cascades down a steep drop pulls you away. The thundering roar of Niagara Falls drowns out all conversation, but the wide-eyed grins say it all. You dry off and warm up with the latest vintage from down the road.

Before you know it, the shuffling of busy feet and rumble of traffic surround you in the exciting urban symphony called Toronto. The thousand faces whizzing by on the street reflect an astounding diversity of humanity. Talk to any one of them and they'll share with you amazing stories about where they're from and inspired dreams about where they're going. Will you join them?

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