Canada - Keep Exploring

Central Canada

Storefronts clamor for your attention in a multitude of languages. Tides of people going about their day sweep you along the busy streets. From the home-style sausages smoking on sidewalk grills to the white napkin power lunches of Bay Street, Toronto buzzes with perpetual activity and ambition.

In the national capital of Ottawa, red-coated guards march past lofty parliament buildings with choreographed precision. Grand boulevards designed to receive eminent dignitaries, like you for instance, lead the way to the nation's treasures.

A culinary jaunt through the cozy hamlets of the Eastern Townships yields delectable new discoveries. Among them, a lovely Chardonnay that you proudly present at the Montreal bistro where you bring your own wine and the waiters remember your name. After dinner, you revel in its blissful after-effects as you stroll the lively streets. Perched on the edge of a quiet fountain for a late-night chat, you finally understand the meaning of joie de vivre.

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